two | fighting with family

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Her father spotted her quickly. Nyssa hadn't seen him in nearly a month, the longest he had gone without speaking to her, and he didn't even offer her a smile. The look on his face was strange–she had never seen him show fear, anxiety, worry, yet all those emotions and more sat on his face.

He hopped off his golden chariot and walked directly toward Nyssa. With a short nod to Mikey, he put his hand on her shoulder and started toward the Big House.

"Is everything okay, father?" Nyssa tried to keep up with his pace, which nearly resulted in a jog.

He just nodded once. Apollo's eyes darted around camp–once they landed on Chiron, he gave him a stern look. The centaur changed course and started toward the Big House.

The trio bounded up the steps. Chiron shut and locked the front door behind them as Nyssa wiggled from her father's grip and shot him a glare.

"Hello to you as well," she hissed, upset over the odd scene he made.

"Zeus has given you a quest," was all he answered.

Nyssa stood up straighter, "I accept."

Her father shook his head, "It is an impossible quest, my Nys. I urge you to not take it, we have so much time to figure out another way."

"Nothing is impossible, father. Please, tell me my quest."

Her father started to talk, though he didn't say much. He repeated the same thing over and over in different ways–the quest was impossible, say no.

"How about," Chiron interjected and took a step between the two. "You inform Nyssa of the quest Zeus has offered, and let her decide for herself."

"She will just say yes!" Her father groaned. "She is stubborn and childish still."

"As are you," Nyssa huffed, her arms crossed over her chest. Her father gasped dramatically.

"Fine," he glared. "Your quest is as follows, should you accept. A satyr has just received his searchers license–you are to join him in the search for the god of the Wild, Pan, and once you locate him, you will be granted immortality."

The words fumbled out of her mouth before she could even think of a real answer.

"I accept."

Oh, how foolish. All the worrying the last months spent over Mikey, when she should have been worrying about the pair of them, not just him. Her father had been right–she was stubborn and childish.

"I beg you to reconsider," her father turned to Chiron. "Surely you can talk her out of this."

Chiron wore the same look on his face that he had on earlier that day.

"I cannot change her mind. Nyssa, I can only remind you that no satyr has ever succeeded, and there is no reason that will change now. There will be other quests."

That much was true. Nyssa knew very well that her father had been right–this quest was near impossible... but not 100% impossible. She had her fair share of odd powers that didn't exactly come from her father. Perhaps her green thumb would give her an edge on finding the great god Pan.

Glory. That, too, motivated Nyssa to accept the quest. Of course she had her fair share of glory. The way she had been born alone was more than most demigods could ever imagine, but she wanted more. And this, finding the lost god, would bring her that Glory.

"I know it seems impossible, but if there is anyone that can find Pan, I believe it is me," she stared at her father with pleading eyes–not to allow her to take the quest, that was her own decision. Her eyes pleaded for forgiveness. "I will accept this quest, and I will assist Mikey in finding the lost god. And when I come back in a trio rather than a pair, Zeus will grant me the immortality I seek."

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