Bad Idea!

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Mia wasn't sure what had come over her. All she knew was that she needed to blow off some steam and have a drink. The day had been rough and she was getting tired of arguing back and forth with Roger. It was pointless to push back with him but she was getting tired of being his puppet. She searched up the closest bar and headed that way.

It was quite the pleasant surprise when she walked in to find out it wasn't just a bar, but a exotic club. The room was lit up in different shades of reds and pink. She could see a large crowd surrounding a dancer, but chose to explore that later on. The only thing on her mind was her desperate need for a gin and tonic.

She took a seat at the bar and watched the men losing their minds over the dancers. She had always found dance to be intriguing but this further pulled out her interest. After a few drinks, she found herself walking closer to the stage and waiting for the next dancer to come out.

She wasn't one to care for strip clubs because she felt like they were degrading to women especially if they were owned by a man. Judging by the man behind the bar, it was clear that was the situation at hand here. She knew it was wrong but she could feel that familiar burning in her stomach as she watched the beautiful women walking around the club.

God, it had been too long. At least if she found someone here, she'd never have to see them again. She took a swig of her drink and stood up to head to the bathroom, wanting to touch up her makeup. Mia knew how attractive she was and she could pull anything with a pulse. She just wanted something casual, no strings attached.

When Mia's hand met the bathroom door to push it open, a woman was trying to leave at the same time. Their bodies brushed close together and Mia could even feel the woman's hot breath against her neck. She hadn't gotten a good look at her face, but at the moment it didn't matter. She would've gone for anyone and this was perfect timing. She pulled the door shut and pushed the smaller woman's body against it, pressing her mouth against her ear.

"Shouldn't you watch where you're going?"  She drew out her words, nibbling gently on her ear.

"Mia?" The other gasped out, unable to move and not sure if she wanted to.

Oh fuck. She pulled back and realized who the woman was. Charlotte.

What was Charlotte doing in a place like this? Was anyone with her to keep her safe? Goodness, she looked stunning... Why was she wearing next to nothing?

"Charlotte! Oh fuck, I'm sorry." Mia was a bit embarrassed, she probably should've kept it in her pants long enough to see who it was she was pursuing.

"I-it's okay." Charlotte was avoiding eye contact, staring at the ground and she looked very small.

"What are you doing here?"

"Uh it's a long story-"

The music in the club rose about 10 levels and Charlotte realized that was her cue and she couldn't miss it. She shot an apologetic look towards Mia before coming out of the bathroom like a bat out of hell. Mia was confused but decided to follow Charlotte out.

Then it hit Mia what Charlotte was doing here. Watching the way her confidence grew as she sauntered on the stage and commanded everyone's attention. Mia's eyes widened as she took in every inch of Charlotte's body. Mia knew she was beautiful, but she never had thought she was sexy. Until this moment.

The way the red lights complimented Charlotte's skin sent a chill down Mia's spine and caused her to blush. Not just her apparently, as the patrons of the "Girls in Red" began to go wild. She didn't think the room could get any louder until she watched as Charlotte teasingly pulled off her thigh highs and snapped her garter. She couldn't believe how absolutely breathtaking she looked. Mia practically choked at the way Charlotte took the pole into her hands and spun herself around.

Charlotte could feel her cheeks burning with all the eyes on her. She knew she'd be swamped with private dances the rest of the night. There was only one person she cared about in the crowd though. She had never thought Mia would be one to frequent a strip club, well that's a lie. She thought Mia would go for a more high end place. She couldn't stop thinking about how she was going to possibly explain why she was dancing at the club.

Did she even have to explain herself? She didn't really care for Mia much. She caused a lot of drama and hurt lots of people and no one around her liked her. Deep down, Charlotte was intoxicated by her presence but she'd never tell anyone else. The two would bicker back and forth at the nursery and it was obvious they weren't friends. She was surprised at how quickly Mia tried to seduce her and a bit ashamed that she almost didn't stop her.

Charlotte had recently separated from her husband and wasn't looking for anything. Much less someone like Mia, she was someone who hurt others for her sick pleasure. Or that's what Charlotte knew at least.

The music faded into the next dancer's cue and she walked over to the bar, getting a glass of water. This was the part she hated the most. Having to shamelessly flirt with many men and convince them to pay for a private dance. It didn't take much convincing though, Charlotte was one of the most popular dancers at the club. Usually she could only have one main stage dance and the rest of her time was spent one on one with her regulars. She took a moment to regain her composure and confidence. She always felt like she was playing a character when she danced and spent time at the club. Only a few of her trusted clients called her name.

Cherry Sweet brought out the sexier side of Charlotte and she loved the rush it gave her when her name was called each night. Cherry was confident, fun loving, and brought out the party spirit in everyone. It was the complete opposite to what Charlotte was in her day to day life. She never felt beautiful and was too exhausted to do anything fun. Her days were long when she had her daughters and lonely when they were away with their father.

She had to pick up the job to fill her nights and help pay the bills since she was now a single mom. She loved working at the nursery but it left much to be desired on paydays. She could've asked for a raise but she knew the stress Marjorie had been under. Majority of that stress has been caused by a certain mean redhead she suddenly couldn't find in the crowd anymore.

Charlotte decided to shake it off and hope that Mia would show a bit of decency and keep this to herself. If it got out, she knew she'd be the talk of the nursery. She decided it was time to make her way back out and begin her one on one time. She locked eyes with an older man, he always came to see her dance. She felt herself snap into the character.


Shane slurred, clearly a few drinks in deep. She made her way closer to him, watching as he patted his lap for her to sit down. She sat down, relaxing and trying not to cringe at the feeling of him snapping her garter.

"You looked so sexy up there tonight, Cherry."

He was so close to her and she could feel him close to her ear. Her mind traveled back to earlier on in the night when Mia had swept her off her feet. Fuck, Charlotte stop thinking about her right now. She's not a good person and there's no reason to waste time thinking about her.

She couldn't shake the thought of Mia though and mindlessly flirted with Shane. She felt a little sad that Mia had left so early on in the night.

It wasn't until she could feel his hands wandering her body and groping her breasts that she locked eyes with her. Something about the glint in Mia's eyes shook Charlotte to her core and she began to ache. She forced herself to look away, standing up and pulling Shane back into the private back room for his dance to begin.

Mia couldn't help but watch Charlotte's every move. The way her muscles flexed in the red light, her slender legs, and her cute flushed smile. Fuck this is a really bad idea, yet Mia can't stop herself from replaying their encounter in her head.

She wasn't going to let this go.

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