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Mia was hesitant when Joe called her about coming to see Charlotte. Tensions were still high from their encounter in the driveway and she wasn't sure if she could stay in control if she saw her now. When Joe told her that Diana was nowhere to be seen and Charlotte had walked there? She somehow managed to turn a 45 minute drive into a 20 minute drive with the way she was speeding.

Walking back into the club brought back many fond memories back to Mia. She had meant the better part of a year tending to Charlotte's every need and want here. Watching the way she danced and how she loved feeling free enough to be sexy. Their first kiss, the time Mia told her she was in love with her, and the many times they stayed in the back all night talking. It felt like a sleepover with your best friend and never wanting it to end.

She searched the room for Charlotte and was surprised to find her with her head down at the bar top. Joe shrugged his shoulders, his eyes were sad as he watched over her. He tapped on her shoulder and she sat up startled.

"Someone's here for you, Charlie."

Charlotte turned around looking for who he might be talking about. For some stupid reason, she was hoping it would be Mia. She knew the likelihood of that was very low given the way their conversation ended in Diana's bloody nose. She wondered if Mia missed her the way she missed her. She felt sad as she gave up on looking for whoever Joe was on about, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Whatever Joe... if it's not her, I don't care."

Mia knew Charlotte must've been wasted as she was standing next to her and she just watched her look behind her. She thought about whether or not she was talking about her... No, no way. Charlotte had to hate Mia for the way everything ended. There's no way that she would still find comfort only in her rather than her own girlfriend. Well, her ex girlfriend now.

Mia allowed her hand to make contact with Charlotte's head and she stroked her hair gently. She wasn't expecting to hear crying from her sweetheart and quickly made sure she knew who it was. What could've happened to her baby that she cried at mere touches? Oh she regretted shutting her down and it pained her to know that Charlotte had gone the last several months feeling unloved.

She had turned Charlotte's bar stool towards, gently stroking her cheek. "Shh, sweetheart. It's just me. You don't need to cry."


"Yes, Char, it's me."

Mia wasn't sure what else to say. She just wanted to freeze this moment of peace between them because she knew it wouldn't last long. Charlotte was drunk out of her mind and she could see the blood rushing to her face. They looked at each other wordlessly and many emotions were resurfacing.

"You came for me?"

"Despite what you might think, I'll always come running if it were you."

"Why? You think I can't do it by myself?"

Yep there it was.

"No that's not why-"

"I've been doing perfectly fine without you."

Mia kissed her teeth, trying to remain calm. She didn't want to do this with Charlotte but she couldn't help but bring up what she knew.

"Really? You've been perfectly fine with the revolving door of women who give zero fucks about you? The Charlotte I know needed someone to love her, not own her and pass her around like a blunt. But I guess you're not who I knew and was in love with."

Mia knew she shouldn't have come and shared a look with Joe, who was obviously saddened by their bickering. She took one last long look at Charlotte, holding her face in her hands. She wanted nothing more than to kiss her and forget about any of this. She left without another word. It did break her heart to see the same look on Charlotte's face as when she left the nursery. Mia didn't want to further rub salt into the wound.

She needed a second to calm down before leaving, so she pulled out her cig and lit it. Tears running down her cheeks as she took a long drag, she couldn't believe any of this was happening. Mia felt like she had been transported back to childhood where no one loved her and those who did, were quick to turn against her. She felt like slapping herself in the face for ever thinking she'd have peace.

Mia was pulled from her thoughts as she noticed who had followed behind her. She wanted to smile at the sight of Charlotte but refrained, she had to get over this. But how could she get over someone that she wanted to sleep in the car with as they drove? Someone she felt safe enough to lay crying on their lap? How was she ever meant to get over that?

"Can I have one please?" Charlotte's voice was quiet.

"You don't smoke, Char. Don't be silly." Mia raised a brow, not sure what she could be trying to do.

"I started after you left."

Mia got a chance to really look over Charlotte's frame and was taken back by how much smaller she seemed. She knew that Char was probably depressed but to realize the damage on her person was jarring.


"I missed the smoke... It was the last thing I got to take in about you." She looked down at her feet,"Cause you were being an ass and blowing smoke in my face."

Mia cringed at the memory flashing in her mind,"I'm sorry about that, Charlotte."

"I know. I'm sorry too."

"I know..."

"I'm sorry I didn't take your worries seriously and made you feel that way."

"Can't change it now. No reason to dwell."

Mia seemed so matter of fact that Charlotte questioned why she was even trying. It was pointless.

"So.. Can I have one?"


"Well why not?"

"I don't like the idea of you smoking." Mia chuckled, remembering her sweet girl's words when she found out Mia had smoked. "It's not good for you."

"Haha, very fun."

Charlotte tried not to smile, but she couldn't help but burst out laughing at the irony. It had been far too long since the two shared laughter together. The two fools looked a little ridiculous as they laughed like crazy in the car park. Neither of them seemed to mind though, as this was the closest they felt they could get to old times.

Charlotte was a little sobered up but still not anywhere close to being in the right frame of mind. She laughed so hard she began to stumble but Mia caught her and pulled her up to her feet. The look they shared was enough for Charlotte to wrap her arms around Mia and inch closer, their noses touching. Mia's breathing was uneven, she wanted to kiss her so badly but was unsure what Charlotte wanted.


"Yes Charlotte?"

"Just kiss me already."

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