★chapter 1| introduction★

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Daniella is the daughter of a famous CEO, so she always was spoon fed and didn't have any problems with money. she was living the dream, that's until she met Axel.

At a bar, she was completely wasted and wasn't thinking straight. she saw him standing in the corner, looking very uninterested and she was attracted by his looks. so she walked up to him to get a better look.as  she barley stood up, she looked him up and down, dazed by how young he appeared. "marry me" she said drunkly and grabbed his hand. "i'll treat you like the prince you are" she leaned in and placed a tender kiss on the back of his hand, not thinking straight at all. he was impressed by her straight forwardness and smirked. "alright" he shrugged and picked her up, caring her over his shoulder with no problem. the next morning she woke up in his bed, wondering what the hell happened. and ever since that day, her world turned upside down.

She had always hated him for just kidnaping her without further notice, but actually he didn't tell her that she was drunk. as they lived together they couldn't help but fall in love. they used to sleep in separate rooms, but once they finally fell for each other they both slept in the same room, and spoke to each other more often.

She liked the idea but wanted him to touch her more, so she asked him and he said he would do it, though nothing changed. even though she loved him very dearly she always felt something when they kissed. whenever they did she felt a familiar feeling inside her, which was weird because she had never been a relationship other than this one. though, she never paid much attention to it and just let it go.

Another weird thing in her relationship with Axel was on their first anniversary they went to a fancy restaurant that they rented out. they had a good time, but once she put her lips on the glass of wine she started to feel weird. she quickly told him and they drove home, once they were back home her head started to spin and she blacked out. the next morning she woke up with a headache and her butt hurt like crazy, though she didn't remember anything. even he said that nothing happened and she believed him because he was perfectly fine.

After that, everything went back to normal, til their monthly anniversary came, and like usual they went to the fancy place. and when she drank her wine the same thing happened as before, they went home and she woke up with her butt hurting. this kept happening over and over again on their monthly anniversary for the 5 years they have been married. no matter what she drank that night, nor where they went the same thing always happened. she started to think it was a curse or something, but he assured her it wasn't. whenever she had these times he would always help her though it and care for her, but he occasionally bit his lip and stared at her weirdly. did he know something she didn't?

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