Chapter 5| perfect ✩pt. 1

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Axel POV:

"do you think she can see?" I started to think. hopefully not. I looked at her beside me, she was sitting in the passengers seat. my passenger princess if you will. I bit my lip as I drove steadily back to our house. I looked down at the big bulge on my pants, I was so close to losing my control.

"are you feeling any better honey?" I asked with concern. I still cared about her, just i wanted sex.

"yeah i'm feeling a little better. I think i'm going to black out soon" she said basically in a whisper. "that's ok love. we're almost home anyway" I said with a smile, pulling into the driveway of our house.

I parked the car and went to her side of the car. "easy there love" I helped her out the car, she was already so sleepy. that'd make fucking her easier.

I gave up and just carried her over my shoulder, like a pillow.

soon I placed her on the bed carefully, and took off my jacket. "you should be waking up soon darling, then i'll have my fun." I chuckled and gently caressed her cheek. "you don't know how long i've been waiting for this, darling" I hummed lovingly and saw her started to move a bit. I leaned over and slowly took off her heels.

"babe..." she whispered softly. "my love, don't worry. i'll be more gentle this time" I whispered seductively in her ear as I slowly removed my shirt. she looked up at me with worry. maybe I should've used more of the aphrodisiac.

"what's happening?" she asked confused as I started to creep onto the bed. "you don't know yet? since you're not going to remember this..." I chuckled and grabbed her wrist, pinning her to the bed.

"I tricked you. I always put something in your wine, since it was dark enough. I would bang you up so hard you didn't remember what happened" I laughed like a maniac.

her eyes widened in shock but before she could say anything more, I captured her lips in a deep kiss. her eyes widened and she tried to push away but I had her wrist pinned. I started to use my tongue and kissed her more passionate. after a while I finally broke the kiss and panted heavily, while she did the same. "y-you... who are you?! you're not the guy I fell in love with" she yelled while tears started to form in her eyes. "hmm... why isn't it working?" I huffed angrily and got off of her.

I walked over to the box with the aphrodisiac and too a small smell. "what... why is it..." I then turned to her angrily. "how dare you! you think you can just mess with my stuff?!" I yelled angrily. I started to walk towards her in the bed, and I tripped on the desk leg. "fuck!" I caught myself before hitting the floor but some of the tubes splashed on me. it was all over my leg and some on my hand. I smirked before bringing my hand up to my mouth and I started sucking the stuff off it, maintaining eye contact with her.

"you're not ready for this, love" I smirked as the aphrodisiac started having it's effect on me. she looked at me in fear as I suddenly pinned her back on the bed and I started taking off my pants. "i'm sorry darling. i'm not holding back any longer" I chuckled and started kissing her neck. "you make me insane, love. we're not sleeping tonight"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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