chapter 2| home

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(please read the intro to understand)

Daniella POV:

"does anyone have any questions or concerns?" I ask, trying to keep up my confident, bold manner. silence. "well I guess thats it for today then. have a good afternoon" I smiled softly and stood up out my chair. as everyone left the meeting room I immediately sighed and turned to the door. as I walked out holding my empty coffee cup, I suddenly gasped as felt strong cold arms wrap around my waist. "don't sneak up on me like that, babe" I giggled and petted his head, loving the feeling of his soft hair on my fingertips.

"i'm sorry darling. I couldn't help myself" he mutter, burring his face in the crook of my neck, placing small kisses against my jawline. "let's go home, I know you're tired from the meeting" he whispered softly in my ear as I kept my hand on his head. "yes, I hate these meetings. why does my dad hate me" I scoffed and pulled out my phone.

"seems like I have another one tomorrow, can you dro-!?" I was cut off as he had swooped me in his arms bridal style. "eek! put me down! not here" I blushed as he started to walk out the building with me in his arms. "all that meeting talk made me bored. we're going home now darling, I can't wait to have you in bed" he said, just as cold as ever. I wrapped my hands around his neck as he carried me to the black limo waiting for us.

I covered my face as he gently placed me in the backseat. I looked at him confused and slightly tilted my head "why am I here? shouldn't I be in the front?" I asked confused, but he just chuckled softly. "so cute darling. i'm joining you, dear" he whispered in a teasing tone as he walked to the other side of the car. I watched him though the window as he joined me in the backseat, he sat right against me as we made eye contact. his cold eyes piercing through my soul, but his soft smirk made me flustered. even though we have been married for years now I couldn't look him in the eye without blushing. "take us home" he demanded coldly to his personal driver before turning back to me.

he suddenly grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. I then stared at him with blush, but before I could even react, he kissed me passionately. my eyes widened as I wasn't expecting it at all, but I couldn't help but kiss him back, wrapping my hands around his neck. he put his hands on my waist, pulling me closer to him, and making me lean onto his body. he gently licked my bottom lip, his tongue wanting entry. I slightly parted my lips, as he stuck his tongue in my mouth, our tongue's dancing together. I pulled away from the kiss panting heavily as my tongue was out like his. "I could do much more with this tongue, you know?" he asked between pants. my face flushed and I nodded, knowing exactly what he meant. "I-I... not here" I managed to get out while panting. "what a bad girl... you think you run things around here? you need a punishment" he said in a flirty tone, running his fingers through my hair as I stared at him flustered. before he could do anything more, the car stopped and we have arrived back home. he sighed and got out the car before walking to my side and opening the door for me. "t-thank you" I stepped out the car and heard the door closing. as i started walking to the house I was suddenly stopped by him. he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his chest, I put my hands on his chest to catch myself as he looked down at me with a smirk. "tomorrow's our anniversary, dress extra sexy for me darling~" he whispered in my ear seductively. this wasn't like him, he was usually nicer and calmer. but he was acting very demanding today, what was going on with my sweet husband?

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