Chapter 3| new dress

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Axel POV:

I just want to go to sleep. but if sleep means sacrificing love? f!ck it then.

I walk in the house along with Daniella, just waiting til she changes into more comfortable clothes so I can get the love i've been craving. I sit in the living room, staring at the bedroom door. "you better hurry up. I miss your touch" I thought, as I heard the door click.

"can you help me, love?" she said as she walked towards me. I sighed and nodded before I stood up and wrapped my hands around her waist. "what do you need, darling?" I whispered as I kissed her cheek. "I need you to tell me what dress looks the best" she smiled and ran off back into the bedroom. I sighed and followed her, I just wanted her touch already.

I sat on the bed waiting for her to come out. "what about this one?" she smiled as she came out the closet. "it's good" I said, very uninterested.

she did that cute pout that I liked and crossed her arms "I need a better reaction than that." I chuckled and rolled my eyes "just put on the next one" I dismissed her, as she ran back into the closet.

after a few dresses she put on she finally gave up and sat next to me. "do you not like any of them?" she whined and leaned onto my shoulder. "they're good, just not good enough" I huffed and held her close. I looked at all the dresses on the desk chair, one specifically caught my eye. "what about the red one?" I pointed to the dark red dress just laying on the floor. "oh, I forgot about that one. give me a second" she stood up and rushed back into the closet.

my gaze deepened as I licked my lips "that's the one, wear it tomorrow" I demanded as I looked her up and down. being stunned by how the dark dress hugged her curves perfectly.

"ok! give me a second to change" she smiled brightly, happy that I actually approved of something. "no need" I stood up and hugged her waist. she gasped softly and I felt her body slightly heating up from my touch.

"I can't wait any longer, darling" I then swooped her in my arms bridal style, and laid her on the bed. "let's hope you don't get that dress too dirty" I whispered as I laid on top of her. "b-babe?! let me get changed first!" she blushed and covered her face. "no no, darling. this dress is going to come off anyway" I smirked and started kissing her neck gently.

as I was kissing her, I suddenly got a call and sighed as I reached for my phone. "mr. Fallen at your service. what is the matter?" I muttered as my frown turned into a grin. "nice, make it ready for tomorrow" I chuckled and ended the call. "sorry about that darling, it seems as I have to go real quick." I kissed her forehead before standing up and putting on my coat. "already? ok, i'll see you when you get back" she smiled softly and sat up in the bed, still in the dress.

"bye, love! i'll be back before you know it" I shouted from the other room as I headed out the door. I got into the black Rolls-Royce in our driveway, as I drove to a sketchy building and waited in the alleyway. after a few minutes a shady person came and handed me a box. "thank you, as promised" I said and handed him a stack of dollar bills. "keep the change" I then walked back to my car and drove back to our house.

"damn, I just want to feel my body all over her soft skin. I'm just thinking about all the things I want to do. though, those dreams were going to be a reality tomorrow. our anniversary, the day I have been waiting forever. she will be all mine, and she'll have no idea. all mine." my mind started to think as I drove home, a grin being apparent on my devious face.

"i'm back, darling!" I shouted as I walked in the house and sat down on the couch. when i didn't hear her respond I walked into our bedroom to see her sleep on the bed. I chuckled and kissed her forehead lovingly. "my sweet darling, you don't know what hit you yet, huh?" I whispered as I brushed a strand of hair out her face. "don't worry, you will be mine soon. tomorrow, more specifically" I laughed deviously, thinking I was so smart. I placed the box that I was holding on my desk as I laid down next to her.

little did he know, she was awake the whole time.

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