chapter 4| anniversary

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Daniella POV:

the sound of my husband had awoken me from my short nap. I opened my eye but I didn't dare to move. he came into the room and set something on the desk before walking up to me.

he started whispering some weird things to me that I knew I wasn't supposed to hear, as he laid down next to me. one thing he said made me doubt everything. "don't worry, you will be mine soon. tomorrow, more specifically" he whispered sweetly in my ear, though I knew it had a deeper meaning to it.

tomorrow was our 5th anniversary, I hated our anniversary's. he always thought of it as our special time together, while I always thought of it as "red nights". pretty catchy, eh?

we would always have wine together, and i guess i'm wearing that red dress. so why not call it that? I barley have any memories of those days, and everything would black out as soon as we got home. I knew something happened because my butt hurt like crazy, but he swore nothing happened.

anyway, while laying in bed my thoughts started to wonder to places I didn't need them to go. and eventually I fell asleep I his arms.

{the next day}

"honey, wake up." I heard a voice say. I forced my eyes open as my gaze fell to Axel. I rubbed my eyes and sat up in the bed. "hey love, good morning" I smiled softly and realized what day it was.

"ah, happy anniversary!" I quickly said hoping he isn't mad. "happy anniversary love" he said lovingly and kissed my cheek. all the things I had overheard came back to me and I chuckled nervously. "how about we go to place earlier?" he asked with a smile. I nodded and got out of bed, doubting that what he said yesterday was real.

he walked into the living room and left me all alone in the room to get ready. I grabbed the dress from yesterday and put it on. while I was getting ready I spotted a weird box on his desk. curiously I walked over to it and opened it to see a tube filled with some weird liquid. I took a small smell of it and started coughing. "the hell..." I gasped as I started feeling very heated. I looked at it closer and realized it was a aphrodisiac [which is a substance that increases sexual desire]. I didn't know why he had it, but I couldn't let him use it so I replaced it with some water.

"babe? are you ok?" I heard Axel from the other room. "I-i'm ok!" I responded as I tried to cover all my blush with more makeup.

why would he have this? I needed answers but before I knew it we were already in the car.

"are you ok, love?" he said worried about me and I quickly snapped out of my thoughts. "yeah i'm ok" I reassured him and smiled softly. soon we arrived at the place and he opened the car door for me. "thanks" I smiled and got out the car.

as we went into the restaurant I noticed that he was carrying something in his bag. as we sat down I got a better look and I saw that it was the tube that was in the box. I gasped softly and turned to him with a slightly uneasy expression. "hey babe. whats that tube?" I said as I pointed to the tube in his bag. "oh that? it's just a small drink." he smiled softly but you could tell there was more behind it. "don't worry about it darling" he patted my back and kissed my cheek, almost like he was trying to manipulate me to believe him.

I nodded slowly as the waiter came over and started pouring us our drinks. I bit my lip staring at the dark red wine in the glass. I was still scared of the curse or whatever it was. I was staring at it so much that he saw how worried I was. he then grabbed the glass and took a sip, as I stared at him in shock. "love! what if you get sick like me?!" I shouted, worried for him. "I feel fine, it's safe to drink" he smiled and handed me back the drink. "ok... if you say so" I carefully took a sip out of the drink and it tasted normal, buy very watered down. "how do you feel love?" he asked with concern but there was a small smirk on his face.

I took another sip and smiled "I feel fine..." I smiled brightly and I took another sip happily. but something wasn't adding up, why wasn't the curse happing all of a sudden? I didn't know, but that just made me more determined. I decided that I was going to pretend like the curse was happing. I needed to find out why this always happened.

"agh... never mind" I muttered while clutching my stomach. he sighed and patted my back trying to help me, but there was a small smile on his face. "let's just go home. maybe this is a curse" he huffed and helped me to the car.

"don't worry love. i'll help you when you black out" he smiled softly and kissed my cheek while driving us back home. "ok, i'll just sleep in the dress I guess" I shrugged and looked out the car window. "whatever you want darling" he smiled brightly as he hummed softly, being in a surprisingly good mood.

I wanted answers, and when we got home, I sure did get them.

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