Chapter 2: The Tour

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"Ok so this is the Brawlers' Home. Basically everyone lives here," Shelly said. "You'll be living on the 5th floor, with all the other mythics."

"Nice. So...what happens on the other floors?" (y/n) asked.

"The whole building is just rooms. There are currently 81 rooms, 1 for each brawler. (that includes (y/n)) There are 6 floors, floor 1 has the office and my room. Floor 2 houses the rares. Floor 3 is home to the super rares. Floor 4 is where the epics live. Floor 5 is where the mythics, like you, live. And the top floor belongs to the legendaries." The two brawlers entered the building. "I will show you to your room. It's completely empty except for a bed, so you can design it however you want." They took an elevator. On the fifth floor, Shelly and (y/n) walked toward a door labeled (y/n). "This is your room," Shelly stated as (y/n) opened the door. "Just think about yourself, the room will customize itself based on what you are like."

"Oh!" (Y/n) gave a surprised little shriek as shelves a wall got filled with shelves. "I get it, so the room can tell what I want." A big desk appeared in the corner. "Does it only create furniture or..."

"Well, it can create simple things, but the room's magic needs some time to get used to what you like before it can conjure things you want," Shelly responded. "What do you need?"

"Well I was hoping I could get some crafting supplies, I mean, that's what my abilities are centered around. Specifically I probably need yarn though." (Y/n) said. 

"I know a someone that can help! Plus, you need to meet people anyways, so let me bring you to meet Kit!" As they started walking, Shelly asked (y/n), "What can you do, by the way?"

"Well, my attack is short range and kinda low damage, plus i have one ammo slot. And my Super is just me crafting things with tools from my bag. I have to put in the stuff before the battle though. Then, i can use things from the battle to make stuff. Which is why i need yarn. I think yarn would help me in battles," (y/n) told her. They dug inside their bag. Currently there was only a notebook, a needle, a crochet hook, and some other random crafting stuff. (y/n) hadnt known what to bring for the battles, so they just brought some stuff they might need.

"Cool!" Shelly said. The two started walking to the elevator again, and once on the top floor, they went to a door labeled Kit. "Kit! Can we come in?"

"Ya," Kit responded. Shelly and (y/n) walked in, and (y/n) gasped at the cute little kitty's room. It had lots of cat food on one side of the room, a mini bed in the center, and on the other side, yarn balls lay strewn across the floor. Then, they heard Kit speak to them. "You're the new brawler, right?" (y/n) nodded. "Nice to meet you! Im Kit! A cute wittle cat :)."

"Hi Kit! Do you , um, have some yarn i can borrow please?" 

"No." (y/n)'s face fell. Kit chuckled. "But i can create some right now with my abilities."

"Thank you!" (y/n) said to the cat. They picjed up the cat and hugged him and petting him, earning a loud purr. 

"Y'know, this is good payment for my help. You should ask for help again," said the little cat who loved being hugged, or just cuddling in general. He lazily flung his hand, and a yarn ball appeared and fell to the ground. "Here's your yarn. it can turn different colors, so you're all set, until you run out."

"Aww, thanks Kit! You're so kind." (y/n) stuffed the yarn into their bag. "See you later!" As (y/n) walked out with a smile on their face, they said to shelly, " That went well."

"I think it did! Now, where do you wanna go next?"

"I dunno, you choose."

Shelly said, "okay then, let's go to the Gift Shop!" And they set off. Upon arriving at the gift shop, a white haired girl with unusually sharp teeth literally charged at (y/n). She seemed...very hyper and a bit insane.

Crafted Fury [Brawl Stars Fang x reader]Where stories live. Discover now