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XIOMARA SIGHED AS SHE got ready for school

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XIOMARA SIGHED AS SHE got ready for school.
This was a new place where there wasn't much of anything but her mom had just gotten a job offer here. After the struggle they had in California after immigrating there they really needed it here.

When she first moved to the states she found it weird that they didn't have to use uniforms. But after being there for a couple months she found people like her that there wasn't an in between. They weren't accepted by the Latinos in California but weren't accepted in Mexico either for being 'too white washed'. So everyone formed together and they were Chicanos. They didn't make much money but they were happy and that's all that mattered. They may live in a small house but that didn't matter that's all they needed. The house was small it had three rooms, one bathroom, a living room and a kitchen. But that's all they really needed as it's only the family that of three as Xiomara is an only child.

The outfit that Xiomara chose showed off her arm and chest area tattoos perfectly. How she had tattoos at such a young age was simple her parents let her plus she had her own job. She had just gotten a job at an arcade.

She knew it was going to be hard and she might face racism considering that most of this town was white people. But she was never known to back down from anything.

She was not going to let people tell her where she belongs. That is something she wouldn't do ever.

Currently she was drinking her protein shake. She gets her grandmother to send her. The protein powder she likes they do sell it in the states but it's ten times more expensive so she sends her grandmother the money and her abuelita send her the protein powder as it's much cheaper in Mexico it's only 30 pesos which is equivalent to about a dollar and fifty sents when in the states it's about thirty dollars.

She drinks the protein shakes for energy because she exercises a bit. Plus she'd rather protein shakes than café on school mourning because honestly she'd rather not have to piss or shit her pants at school because she's of the coffee.

As she finishes her makeup and slings her bag over her shoulder and she grabs the shake. She walks down the stairs and finds her mamá and papá still there which was odd to her. Usually by the time she is headed off to school they're already at work.

"¿Mamá?¿Papá?¿Que hacen aqui que no tienen que estar trabajando ahorita?" She questions her parents in a confused tone. Mom? Dad? What are you doing here aren't you supposed to be working right now?

"Vamos a empezar el trabajo mas tarde de lo normal hoy mija entonces vamos a salir mas tarde." Her mom explained. We're going to start work later than usual today my daughter so we're getting out later.

"Pensamos que tu mama va salir como a las nueve de la noche y yo a las seis de la trade." Her dad explained to her. We think your mother is going to get out at like nine pm and me at six in the afternoon.

"Okay. Gracias por decirme." Thank you for telling me. "Pero ya me tengo que ir a la escuela. ¿Y endonde estan mis llabes?" But I have to go to school. And where are my keys?

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