Jacq: Hi guys!
Angelo: Hi Jacq!
Feli: Hi Jacq, how are you?
jacq: I'm Good, Feli.
First time to the field trip...
Mr Paul: Tomorrow, we are going to New York!
All: *cheering*
Mr Paul: wow you guys are so excited.
Elise: yes sir, because we haven't been there, Sir!
But something bad happen..
*Suddenly lights are out*
Arene: wait, the lights are out!!!
Myan: Huh?! Why are the lights suddenly off!!!
Liam: *yawns* why is it so dark here???
Erlyn: Liam, the lights are out!
*open door sounds*
Elise: *shaking in fear* w-w-w who's there?
Jack: come in.
???: why is it so dark here? Hold on. *before she open her flashlight on her watch*
*Lightning Strike sounds*
All: *saw Ms Rin's face look like a ghost after the lightning strike then screech a little*
Liam: *screaming* RUN!!! *run to the teacher's table then quickly hide under the teacher's table*
Ms Rin: everyone, today's discussion is done because there's a storm coming. So you guys just go home OK?
All: OK Ms.
*Things getting worst...*
Jacq: ok , I already turn off the electricity, and it's time to relax.
*phone ringing sounds on her watch*
Huh?! Feli? Why is she call me? Hmm there must be something bad happen? *press the button to pick up*Feli: Jacq, you must be careful because there's a mysterious thing coming to your house!
Jacq: A mysterious thing? are you joking?
Feli: no, I'm not. Here's the proof! *show her*
???: *walks as it roars*
Jacq: what?! What is that THING?!
Feli: I don't know what is that thing but you need to be careful because it's heading to your house now!! Huh?!
???: *destroy the metal door*
Feli: uh oh, I had to hide whatever it is you had to be careful! stay safe and bye. *end the call*
Jacq: ok!
???: *roaring*
Jacq: hope their ok.
Their holiday is Gone...
Feli: hold on, so our holiday that we're going to new York is canceled?!
Ms Emily: yes.
All: OH COME ON!!!
Liam: I already waiting for SO LONG to go to New York! But it canceled!!!
Myan: oh come on! I already waiting for this field trip for so long! But it canceled cuz of that stupid robots.
Jullian: who create the robots if we found who create the robots! I'M GONNA CRACK IT INTO SMALL PIECES!!!
Rhan: *hold his shoulder* Jullian, don't do that.
Jullian: *sighed*
Jack: oh man, if there's no holiday we complicated. but we had a holiday it complicated too!!!
Ryan: it's alright, we must save everyone now.
Something is coming...
Giant robot: *destroy the tall buildings as it walk towards them*
Liam: that was a big one!
Jullian: Oh My God!!!
Giant robot: *stop walking then screech error*
Liam: *screaming* RUN! *running but he got drag by jack*
Erlyn: *sighed* you little bastard.
Elise: *sighed*
One of them fail to survive...
System: *Error then started to glicth*
Hendrick: oh no!
System: *glitching then a big robot's hand appeared*
Hendrick: *shocked* what was that thing!
System: *grab cornellious*
Cornellious: agh, let me go!
System: *grab him tightly then brought him in*
Hendrick: CORNELLIOUS!!! *shoot the big robot's hand*
Cornellious: I... Won't forgot you, buddy. *drop some tears from his face then vanish in the monitor with big robot's hand*
Hendrick: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
System: *stop glitching then back to normal*
They at somewhere
Lian: why did you kill our kind and destroy our city?!
???: oh, you seems forgot about that, aren't you?
Myan: what do you mean?
The challenge begin
???: well, I told T343 to bring you all here and my purpose for that is that all of you...
Lian: What?
???: choose.
Lian: choose what?
Elise: yeah, choose what?
??? Live in prison and finish 3 challenge or *snap the finger*
*show a monitor where T33284 airplane with ultimate giant robot take out a destruction guns to destroy the earth*
All: *shocked*
Will they pass or die?
Coming soon

ActionThis story tells us about how the robots turn into massive robots and try to destroy the earth with their boss, but the cyberpunks are going to stop them to stop them from destroying the earth. Will they stop them?