Lian: uhm...
Arene: Guys, we need to stay calm first, okay? because we need to bring Jack to the headquarters.
Ryan: *sigh*
Elise: if they try to hurt our leader again, they will pay for their suffering! I SWEAR TO GOD!!! *talk as she walks*
Aisya: that's enough, Elise. *walking*
Elise: *groans*
Ryan: *sigh* you guys make a helicopter and I will bring him here.
all: ok, roger that.
Ryan: *fly up then search him*
Giant Robot: *laughing*
Jack: *still unconscious*
Giant Robot: *maximum his power*
Ryan: not so fast! *launch 10 rockets*
Giant Robot: *got caught by the rockets then screams error*
Ryan: YOU! *Breathe madly* you have hurt my friend and you won't be FORGIVEN!!! *screams madly as he launches many rockets*
Giant Robot: *screams painfully*
Ryan: DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! *launch a big rocket*
Giant Robot: *screams painfully then shuts down*
Ryan: *fly down* Jack! *carry him then fly up as he carries him* it's alright buddy, you're safe now.
Drone: *fly towards the Giant Robot then make a mist*
Ryan: Huh! What's going on? why's suddenly the weather turned foggy?
???: *screams error*
Ryan: Huh!
T3323: *screams error as it sucks all of the mist*
Ryan: Woah! what a huge!
T3323: *maximum his power*
Ryan: uh oh.
T3323: *decided to shoot them*
Cornelius: not so fast! *shoot him*
T3323: *got lasered by a silver laser then screams error*
Nicho: Ryan, quick get in!
Ryan: ok! *fly inside the helicopter as he carries him*
T3323: *launch 3 bombs*
Cornelius: *Shoots 3 bombs then gets inside the helicopter*
Nicho: time to go now!
Hendrick: got it! *ride the helicopter then flew to the school*
T3323: *looks around then screams error*
inside the helicopter, they were discussing with their teachers who were still at school. meanwhile, Ryan brings Jack to the recovery room and drops him gently on the bed. Meanwhile, Hendrick and Cornelius are controlling the helicopter as they discuss that Giant Robot.
Hendrick: Cor, are you ok?
Cornelius: yeah, I'm ok.
Hendrick: are you sure? you look a little bit different.
Cornelius: *sigh* I'm so angry with that stupid Giant Robot. he hurt our leader and it makes me worried. if that happens to you, I will be so sad and heavily depressed.
Hendrick: *sigh* I also feel disappointed with that Giant Robot, he almost hurt you too. if he had hurt you very badly, I would have been sad and wouldn't have accepted this. I'm afraid to lose you because you're my best friend. and I don't wanna lose you, Cornelius. *hold his shoulder*
Cornelius: me too. *hold his hand that he's holding on his shoulder*
Hendrick: ok, we should be focused first.
Cornelius: yeah or we will crash something.
after they are done discussing, they all arrive at school and Ryan carries Jack to bring him inside the school and quickly goes to the recovery room. meanwhile, the others went to the meeting room to discuss that evil robot who was trying to destroy the city right now.
Mr Paul: children.
all: yes.
Mr Paul: so how's Jack's condition right now?
Ryan: I already brought him to the recovery room and he's still unconscious.
Feli: I hope he's alright.
all: we hope he's alright too.
Sir Jullius: how dare that Giant Robot!
Mr Ben: *sigh* that Giant Robot already went too far.
Cornelius: what're we going to do now?
Mr Zero: Jack's condition is getting well now but he's still unconscious.
Ryan: that's nice to hear that.
Rey: Mr, if Jack's condition is getting well now, how long is he gonna awake?
Mr Zero: he will wake if my flash drive already plugs off from his watch.
Rey: oh!
Jullian: I hope he's ok.
Mjie: I hope so.
MiVa: *nod*
*Emergency alarm activated*
Ms Yurika: again? What is the problem right now?
Mr Erick: Mr Zero, show us a screen that's happening right now.
Mr Zero: roger that! *press the button*
*show screen*
*~To Be Continue~*

حركة (أكشن)This story tells us about how the robots turn into massive robots and try to destroy the earth with their boss, but the cyberpunks are going to stop them to stop them from destroying the earth. Will they stop them?