Boopkins: Mesmerizer

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Boopkins wouldn't know anything about the meaning behind the song, he just likes miku!

No think about actual emotions!

実際の感情はno think!

Pretending not to notice?

Absolute lies and suicide

This is how the enshrinement decreases.

Cutting the wound

Fragile cries of abomination
脆く叫ぶ 醜態Recommended for you!

The ultimate escape

Will you eventually be saved from being caught in a sweet trap?
やがて 甘美な罠に 釣られたものから救われる?

This saha can no longer survive in her sanity.
もはや正気の沙汰では やっていけないこの娑婆じゃ

Is it best to pretend that you don't know anything and just let yourself go?
敢えて素知らぬ顔で 身を任せるのが最適解?If a bouquet decorated with words captures your heart, is it real?
言葉で飾った花束も 心を奪えば 本物か?

An invitation to an event that will change everything
全てが染まっていくような 事象にご招待

さらば!Tailored for this era, look at your vulnerability!
こんな時代に誂えた 見て呉れの脆弱性イェイイェイ

Fooled by a real play, the arrow cod and the annoying heartbeat
本当の芝居で騙される 矢鱈と煩い心臓の鼓動

I'm running out of life left.The durability is wearing out.
残機は疾うにないなっている 擦り減る耐久性イェイイェイ

I have my hands full as I live my life while dodging the events in front of me!
目の前の事象を躱しつつ 生きるので手一杯!

Someone please help me
誰か 助けてね"You're getting sleepier" Shallow hypnosis

My head and body are covered in smoke. Is it true that I've deceived you many times?
頭 身体 煙に巻く まさか 数多誑かす?


The coin swaying in front of my eyes, the other side where it stops moving
目の前で揺らぐ硬貨 動かなくなる彼方

"This is fine." I fooled even myself and shut down
「これでいいんだ」自分さえも騙し騙しshut down"You're getting sleepier" Shallow hypnosis

My head and body are covered in smoke. Is it true that I've deceived you many times?
頭 身体 煙に巻く まさか 数多誑かす?


The coins wavering in front of my eyes, and they stop moving...
目の前で揺らぐ硬貨 動かなくなる彼方...No matter how much I survive today, every day is rewarded, yeay-yeay
どんなに今日を生き抜いても 報われぬeveryday, yeay-yeay

I'm already in a cycle of bot-like moments of inertia.
もうbotみたいなサイクルで 惰性の瞬間を続けているのだ

If there's no luck or hope, it's even worse.
運も希望も無いならば 尚更しょうがねえ

Don't have what you don't have. It's your destiny to give up and compete with what you have left over.
無いもんは無いで 諦めて 余物で勝負するのが運命Tailored for this era, look at your vulnerability!
こんな時代に誂えた 見て呉れの脆弱性イェイイェイ

Fooled by a real play, the arrow cod and the annoying heartbeat
本当の芝居で騙される 矢鱈と煩い心臓の鼓動

Praise has no meaning anymore, false charisma
賛美はもう意味ないなっている 偽のカリスマ性

If you face reality too much, you'll go blind!
現実を直視しすぎると 失明しちゃうんだ!

So in moderation
だから 適度にね

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