Day 3 : a Furry Friend

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Dear Diary,

Today was pretty pawsome (get it? Because paws? Cats? I crack myself up sometimes). It all started with a rude awakening. Not from my alarm clock, but from a tiny, furry alarm clock named Kiya(my cat ). She decided my nose was the perfect launching pad for his morning zoomies. I wouldn't mind as much if she didn't use my face as a landing strip too! After a good morning cuddle (because you can't stay mad at that fluffy face!), I stumbled out of bed and got ready for school.

School wasn't too bad. Math was a little ruff (get it? Like a dog? Because it's hard? Ugh, forget it), but English class was fun. We wrote poems about our favorite things, and guess who inspired mine? Yep, you guessed it - the world's sleepiest, craziest cat, Mrs. Kiya .

The second the school bell rang, I practically ran home. I burst through the door, "Kiya! Playtime!" She barely looked up from his sunbeam nap spot. But with a little coaxing (and the promise of the feathery toy shaped like a fish), She was up and batting like a tiny panther. We chased each other around the living room, me giggling like crazy as she pounced on the feathery fish with surprising ferocity.

After all that energy expenditure, Kiya declared herself exhausted (typical!). She curled up on my lap, purring like a tiny motorboat. We spent the rest of the afternoon reading my book together (well, I read, she mostly used the book as a pillow). It's funny how quiet things can be, even when you're not talking, as long as you have a furry friend by your side.

Now, curled up in bed with Kiya at my feet (she finally tired of my attempts to snuggle - some nerve!), I can't help but think how lucky I am to have her. Sh e may be a lazy little furball sometimes, but she's the best, most purrfect friend a girl could ask for.


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