Chapter 1

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"Beca, you don't understand. They're like a bunch of sharks! One sniff of blood and they attack," Chloe said acting it out in hand motions.
"Chlo, calm down," Beca said reaching out to hold her soon to be wife's hand. "Everything will be okay, alright?" she said trying to remain calm.
"Alright. Alright. I'm just being paranoid," Chloe said sitting down next to Beca. "Oh what if they don't like the food we picked out?" she exclaimed standing back up. "We should have chosen the red sauce instead of the white sauce for the pasta. What if they drop food on their clothes and we don't have anything to clean it up? We need to go buy tide pens!" she yelled wiping her sweaty palms down the front of her black dress. "What if they hate my dress. Oh I need to change," she said heading back to the room.
"Chloe! You've changed five times already!" Beca yelled running after her. "Chloe, it will be okay," she said sitting down next to Chloe. "Just breathe."
"I just want everything to be perfect you know how my family can be Bec," Chloe said getting up and pacing back and forth.
"And everything will be perfect Chlo. You just need to calm down and stop driving yourself insane," Beca said stepping in Chloe's path.
Chloe knew Beca was right. She had been driving herself insane planning the wedding and the reception and wanting every little thing to be perfect because that's just how she was.
"You're right Bec. Oh but what if they don't like the dessert or they..."
"Chloe Nicole Beale, let's just focus on getting through the dinner and not worry about if your family is going to like the dessert or not. Hell I need to make sure that I'm not going to pass out when I talk to your grandmother tonight." Beca said which made Chloe laugh.
Chloe checked the time and it was time to head to the dinner.
"Oh Chlo this looks great." Mrs.Beale said walking up to her daughter who was still beyond nervous about the dinner.
"Do you think Nana and Papa will like it though?"
"Nana and Papa will love it Chloe. Where's Beca I would love to see her!" Mrs.Beale squealed.
Beca wandered over to the two women with a drink in her hand and her dad right behind her.
"Beca!" Mrs.Beale squealed when she saw the DJ.
"Hi Mrs.Beale." Beca said giving her a quick side hug.
"Stop calling me Mrs.Beale I'm going to be your mother-in-law tomorrow so either start calling me Cathy or Mom. You must be Beca's dad." Mrs.Beale said looking at the taller man standing next Beca.
"Dr.Mitchell but call me James." Dr.Mitchell said.
Chloe pulled Beca away from their parents and out into the hallway outside of the ballroom.
"My Grandparents are going to hate this! They won't like the food, dessert, drinks or my dress. Oh god Bec what am I going to do?"
"You aren't going to do anything because your grandparents are going to love this and to be quite honest Chlo I think your grandparents are just going to talk to you about the wedding."
"Okay everything is fine but what if they hate..."
"Chloe we aren't doing that again. I bet your grandparents are going to be here soon so lets head back in." Beca said taking her soon to be wife's hand and leading her back into the ballroom.
Chloe had calmed down when people started telling her how wonderful the rehearsal dinner was going until her grandparents showed up. Beca was talking to a couple of her family members when Chloe came over and pulled her away.
"What's up Chlo?" Beca asked confused.
"They're here. Oh god Bec what am I going to do?" Chloe said running her hands down the front of her dress.
"Chloe this suppose to be a fun night not a let's see when Chloe will have a mental break down night. C'mon lets go talk to them I bet they want to talk to their granddaughter." Beca said walking in the direction of Chloe's grandparents.
The couple got over to the redhead's grandparents and Chloe couldn't say anything in fact she didn't know what to say which was rare for the redhead who never seemed to never stop talking.
"Hi Mr and Mrs. Beale."
"Oh hi Rebeca and Hi Chloe." Chloe's grandmother said giving both of them a hug.
"Hi Chloe." Chloe's grandfather said from his spot in a chair.
"Oh Chloe why did you have to wear a black dress. I would have loved to see you in red or blue or maybe even purple."
"I told you she wouldn't like my dress." Chloe whispered to Beca.
"Chlo just calm down." Beca said grabbing Chloe's hand.
"Okay everyone dinner is getting ready to be served so can we please all take our seats." Mr. Beale said over the microphone.
Beca and Chloe went over to the table were both of their families were sat. The servers started to put out the food and everyone started chattering. Dinner was over an hour later and Mr.Beale got up and went back to the microphone.
"Thank you all for coming this evening. I want to start by telling Chloe how amazing she's done putting this all together along with Beca of course," Mr.Beale said and everyone applauded. "Now of course I want to talk about the soon to be married couple! When I first met Beca I wasn't quite sure what to think of her I mean what would you think if your daughter's girlfriend said she was a DJ? Anyway congrats to Beca and Chloe and I can't wait for tomorrow!" Mr.Beale finished.
The dinner ended a couple of hours later and Chloe was beyond relieved to get out of there. The couple got back to their apartment and Chloe collapsed on the couch.
"Well you didn't have a mental break down tonight." Beca said kicking off her heels and joining Chloe.
"Now I'm stressed about tomorrow! Chloe said getting up.
"Chloe everything will be great tomorrow! You're family is going to love everything don't worry. Tomorrow we'll be married! Just think about how you're going to be Mrs.Mitchell!"
"Wow I am going to be Mrs.Mitchell after tomorrow. Chloe Nicole Mitchell that sounds so weird but awesome at the same time."

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