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Hope Mikaelson was having a horrible year

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Hope Mikaelson was having a horrible year. First, she had tried to get her family back together, which didn't work in case you were wondering. She had tried to lure them all back into town by kidnapping her mother, which now that she thought about was a severe move on her part. Even worse, her mum died, and it was her fault. The only good thing that came out of it was that she didn't see it happen.

She didn't think she could live with herself if she did.

Not even a week later, she had triggered her werewolf side, and her dad and her uncle died a few days later, so Hope Mikaelson was having a horrible month scratch that year.

"Thanks." Hope says dryly, sipping a glass on water.

She was sat cross-legged on the floor in her dads art studio. She had tear streaks down her face as she had a sketch pad in front of her as she was drawing different animals.


"Please don't." Hope cut in her eyes piercing up to Freya's concerned ones.

Freya sighed her eyes, lowering, "I can't imagine wha-"

"If you want to help, make sure I don't go back to that school." Her eyes darted around the room before settling on a deep red colour. "At least for now." Hope added seeing the pointed look on her Aunts face.

Hope felt dirty. She felt like scrubbing her skin raw until she bled, not that it would last long before going back to that school. The school where she had begun to think of it as a second home. Maybe that's why she hated it so much because someone had broken into her home and cause so much chaos it shattered her.

Roman had come into her home, and she had trusted him, and he had taken part in kidnapping her mother before kissing her five minutes later in her room.

Hope glanced down at the painting of a graphic image of what she should have done to Roman she mumbled, "incendia." The paper catching alight. Hope glanced at the flames with a morbid curiosity.

She let the flames dance around her hands, hissing slightly before pulling them back covered in red hot blisters and throbbing before healing over to her unblemished skin.

Hope looked up at the clock, realising Freya had left her alone for an hour. With a sigh, she picked herself up off the floor, making her way downstairs to face a very awkward family dinner.

She could already imagine it now her family members dancing around the topic that her parents are dead alongside her Uncle wanting to bring it up to see if she was okay and not wanting to incase all of New Orleans burnt down.

Maybe she should see a therapist?

Hope shakes away the thought standing in the doorway of the dining hall seeing Marcel sat on the right hand side of the top of the table, Rebekah next to him and across from them were Davina and Kol Keelin being next to Kol and Freya being next to Rebekah.

Their eyes immediately turned to her. Hope gave a short smile. Her hands fiddled with her jacket.


"So what have you been up to?" Kol asks, so not addressing the death of parents, Hope thought.


"Nik loved grabbing the berries and smashing them to create some paint." Rebekah says before paling slightly, her eyes trained on Hope.

The said girl with steak in her mouth crossed her arms, chewing quickly rolling her eyes. "Stop treating me like a ticking time bomb. My parents and uncle died within a month, so what? Your parents died and hunted you for centuries. I'd say my situation is more than ideal." Hope snapped.

"Hope." Marcel tries to calm her.

"No. Yes, my parents died, but I did ever think for a moment. The reason why I snap is because you keep on cating like I'm about to." Hope says, ignoring everyone as she grabs a jacket going for a walk on the streets of New Orleans.

Realistically, she knew it was a stupid thing to do. Anyone of them could stop her if they wanted to add to the fact that Uncle Kol, Aunt Rebekah, and Marcel could definitely hear what she was doing.


Marie sat on a bench in a secluded area sipping a milkshake, Rachel needed to the toilet, and she had elected to stay outside with their stuff.

Hope Mikaelson walked down the road doing a double take when she saw Katherine Pierce on a bench drinking a kinder Bueno milkshake.

Hope did an illusion spell over her face, making sure that the doppelgänger wouldn't be able to recognise her, Elena wouldn't ever come to New Orleans. Besides, she was older and had kids now.

Marie felt someone sit beside her, expecting it to be Rachel she was about to give her back her milkshake only to come face to face with a pretty girl about her age. With brunette hair with blonde wispy bits pulled in an updo and a little blob of paint on her cheek, she had grey blue eyes that sparkled in the right light.

"Oh hi." She greeted before trying to awkwardly explain she was waiting for a friend.

Hope bore a confused expression. What type of game was this? "Don't worry, I'll be gone by then. What's your name?" She waved off her concerns. Using her magic to pulse out to detect anything from the girl not finding anything out of the ordinary, could it be Elena?

Persephone glanced up to the sky before sighing she really didn't want to give the gods anything more to make a gossip about.


Hope became even more confused. What type of name was that?


"Short for something?" Marie asks, intrigued.

"Wouldn't you like to know." Hope huffs seeing a girl make a bee line for the bench she got up and left leaving Marie wondering if it was a monster or a misunderstanding.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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