Chapter 32//The heist

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Lucy's POV:

I yawned stretching from a good nights sleep. I was confused for a second, I was back in my old room. Until I looked out the window and it was still a brick wall. What did they want from me? I thought. I remembered Calum telling me they would want my physic powers to do bad. I heard a knock on my door. At least their polite I thought.

"Come in!" I shouted.

A tall man with tan skin and brown hair came in carrying a tray of pancakes with little pots of golden syrup, Nutella, butter and a jug of orange juice.

"Eat you have big day today." He said with a thick Russian accent handing me the tray.

"Thanks, I guess." I said as he walked out closing the door behind him.

Big day my ass. I sighed eating my pancakes. I wonder how Luke is? Last night I couldn't stop thinking of yesterday's events Luke getting shot the look on all their faces. I shivered at the thought of never seeing my dads again.

Luke's POV:

I woke up my head spinning. I looked around and realised I was in the hospital Michael, Ashton and Calum were sleeping in chairs beside me. They must've stayed there all night.
I looked down on my chest where I was shot, there was a big bandage over it.
Oh my god they took Lucy! The thought hit me I might never see her again. I started to panic.

"Luke what's wrong?" Michael asked concerned his voice raspy from sleeping.

"Where's Lucy?" I asked starting to tear up, looking at Michael.

"We don't know but we'll have to find her." Michael said quietly yawning.

"How could I let Daniel take her away from us?" I put my head in my hands in frustration.

"There was nothing we could do he had a gun to her head Luke don't feel like it was your fault." Michael soothed sitting down on the bed beside me, putting his hand on my shoulder gently.

I finally looked up. Staring out of the window it was a dull day with lots of clouds in the sky.

"We have to find her Mikey." I finally said.

Lucy's POV:

I finished my pancakes and drank all of the orange juice. The same man came in a few minutes later taking my tray and telling me they'd see me in a half an hour. Who'll see me in a half an hour?
What are they going to do?
I had nothing better do to so I decided to explore this room which is supposed to be my bedroom.
A half an hour later looking in my wardrobe and chest of drawers which contained only papers and documents there was another knock on my door.

"Come in." I said loud enough for them to hear, my voice shaky I never knew I was so nervous.

Four young men walked in through the door. All in black suits. Two of them grabbed a chair each and sat down facing me at the end of my bed. I was guessing they were the leaders of this group thing.

"Hello Lucy we hope you like your new room." The man with extremely white hair said.

I nodded in response.

"How rude of me, my name is Kiril and this is my partner Nikita." He put out his hand for me to shake.

I shook his and Nikita's hand.

"We are only here to do business also make you feel comfortable doing business with us." He said gesturing to my room.

They all had thick Russian accents but really good English.

"We know you have mind reading powers but they aren't as strong when you aren't with your brother." He continued.

I tried to put on an act, he wants to kidnap my brother as well. So I would pretend that I didn't know I had a brother.

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