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{ irl }

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{ irl }

paige's pov

i spot lacey sitting at our usual table. of course she's already organized and ready.

she's so cute.

"hi P." she greets me as i sit across from her.

"you know, i think i'm growing on you." i point out her recent attitude change.

"i think i'm just getting used to your annoying tendencies." she shrugs and opens up her book. i'm starting to think she's the one tutoring me now.

"how was practice this morning?" she asked.

definitely growing on her.

"pretty good, but azzi was acting kind of weird."

"how so?" she looks concerned for her friend.

"i don't know, she was just distracted, which is so unlike her." i shrug.

"she probably has a crush."

"i figured. she must be one hell of a girl getting azzi to not be focused. i wonder who it is."

"ditto." she agrees.

we end our gossip session and start studying.

it's getting harder and harder to focus each study session when i'm around her. there's always something more interesting than the material we're studying.

like the girl whose water bottle spilled all over her papers.

and the librarian organizing the books.

or the way lacey's lips move when she asks a question.

"we're taking a break." her voice snaps me out of my thoughts.


"you're clearly having some trouble focusing right now."

and so we took a break. we find the nearest vending machine and she gets both of us snacks. once we got back to our table we take turns throwing skittles into each others mouths.

"i learned a lot from this break." i speak up.

she chucks a skittle at me laughing, "and what was that?"

"that you can't throw for shit."

she scoffs kicking me in the shin but i see her try to fight a smile that was creeping onto her face.

unfortunately our banter was cut short when an annoying voice pierces through our ears.

"paige what a surprise to see you here." a blonde sat next to me.

i look at lacey and her smile has already faded.

"hi abby."

"it's ashley." she corrects me, "and you are?" she stares at the girl across from me.

"lacey." she gives the girl a fake smile.

ashley takes it upon her self to start the conversation up.

"so who are you anyways." she addresses lacey.

"paige is tutoring me." she responded shyly.

i hate see in her intimidated like this.

"so no one then, got it." ashley concludes.

i want to punch her in the face so bad right now.

"clearly more to paige then you are, abby." lacey snaps back before i could even get a word out.

thankfully abby, or ashley takes the hint and storms off. i hate her.

"you're amazing, you know that?" i speak my thoughts out loud.

"so i've heard." she smiles, but this time it's a real one.

i look into her eyes and admire the face that's staring back at me. then a ringing snaps us out of our trance.

"it's my brother, i should probably get going anyways." she stands up and packs up her bags.

"drive safe lace." i whisper.

"you too." she smiles.

a/n : short but cute chapter:))

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