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"is it better to speak or to die?"

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"is it better to speak or to die?"

part 2 of double update

i put my pencil down and look at my finished notes next to the flowers my mom got me, tulips, my favorite.

i check the time, 1:12, and groan. i feel like i've been working for way longer. i woke up at around 7 to catch up on assignments.

it's not new for me this is my new schedule, wake up early and go to bed late. but i don't think it's a problem i'm getting good grades and i'm staying on top of my work.

another hour goes by, filled with studying the same material over and over. it might be mind numbing but at least it's working,

"c'mon lacy, we're getting you out of here." bailey barges into my room. harper takes the pencil out of my hand and priscilla closes my book.

"not tonight guys i'm working." i protest.

"you've been studying since 7 lace it's okay." priscilla looks at me with worry.

i turn in my chair and look at my friends.

bailey's long black hair is in two french braids and she's wearing a chunky cable knit and a black skirt.

i admire harper's dark complexion and perfect skin, i don't think she's ever had a pimple. she's in a jumper and sweatpants meaning she just got back from the gym.

priscilla is in a dark green cardigan and her messy blonde hair is barely curled.

"what're you doing here?" i address their random presence.

"we are getting you out of the house." bailey takes my hands in hers and pulls me up.

"and going where?"

"girls basketball room." harper answers throwing me an outfit she grabbed out of my closet.

i catch the clothes and start putting my hair into a ponytail not wanting to do anything extra.

"cilla texted azzi and already told her we're coming over, and she's said we're going to be watching the game."

"the game?" i ask.

"some basketball game." cilla spoke up as she pokes through my makeup.

"oh, ok."

i slip on grey sweatpants and a white baby tee and slip on my jewelry.

cilla knocks on the girls door and i enter the familiar space.

the rest of the girls follow me in and azzi greets us. she hugs priscilla and offers all of us a drink.

kk and ice come racing down the hall and tackle me in a hug.

i giggle at their antics and listen to them describe a game they just got.

i say hi to aubrey and her girlfriend who were attached at the hip.

paige comes walking into the room and by the look on her face i can tell she knew nothing about this either.

i walk over to her and she towers over me, her scent invaded my senses and i smile.

"what're you doing here?" she asked the confused look still on her face.

"you don't want me here?"

"exactly." her response makes my jaw drop.

she laughs at my reaction, "i'm kidding, relax lace."

i roll my eyes and walk over to azzi helping her bring the tray of chips and cookies out while she brings the veggies and fruits.

kk turns the lights off and chucks some blankets at all of us. this is much better than studying.

i take a seat next to paige and she tosses a fluffy blue blanket over both of us. she reaches over to grab the remote and he shirt lifts up.

stop staring lacy.

she turns the tv on and we all start watching the game.

i look around at all of my friends sprawled out on the couch and floor smiling to myself.

i wake up to whispers and hushed laughter.

my brain try's to process them but i am too tired.

i feel paige's steady on my cheek and feel arm around my body.

oh my god, me and paige are cuddling.

what the fuck?

i shift my head closer to her ear in an attempt to wake her up. "i think they're watching us."

she mumbles a barely audible noise and i try to break free from her grasp, but it only makes her pull
me closer.

"paige get the fuck off of her." ice says as she hits her with a pillow.

paige groans and releases me. i hug everyone goodbye as paige scolds ice for her violence.

"bye, p." i speak in a quiet voice.

"see you later lace." paige paige leans on the door frame, one arm resting above her.

once i walk back to my room i see the girls already in the beds and i crawl into mine, where harper was already sleeping, and crash out.

a/n : i love this chapter it's so cute
comment your thoughts and let me know more of what you want to see pls!!!



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ā° Last updated: Jun 29 ā°

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