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" the art of eye contact "

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" the art of eye contact "

part 1 of double update

i get out of my car and head into the entrance of paige's basketball facility.

i'm not sure why paige asked me to meet me here, but i had nothing better to do anyways.

i spot the girls running on the court and i walk into the stands taking a seat. i pull a book out and begin to read the secret history.

"lacy?" i hear a familiar voice call my name.

i turn around to see azzi in her warm ups.

"hey az, what are you doing?"

"i had physio today. i'm waiting for coach to let the girls out, but i'm pretty sure he's is keeping them late." she explains.

"and of course i'm here waiting for paige." i sigh slouching into my chair.

"what're you reading?" azzi asks taking a seat next to me.

i turn my book over so she can read the cover and her eyes light up, "i love that book." she says.

"same i think i've read it six times."

the two of us sit together and talk about our favorite books while we wait for the team.

i notice her look down at her phone for the third time and i remember paige's words from the other day. "so who is it?"

a blush coats her face and i know i caught her.

"can you keep a secret?" she asks and i nod, "you probably already know but it's priscilla."

i think i felt my jaw drop.

"like my cilla?"

"yes, your cilla." she laughs.

"this is so exciting oh my-" i start.

"we're just friends right now." she says but i can tell by her face it's much more.

i gush over the new information going through my head that i don't even realize the girls got off the court.

"i'm gonna get going lace, send me your book list." azzi stands up and gives me a hug goodbye.

i open my book and start to read. the cold starts to numb my hands and i grow impatient.

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