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"Your upper strength is literal shit.", I say as Murphy's knife once again falls and clatter sto the ground. "It's that damn kid, always messing with my head.", he throws his arm towards the dropship where Jasper was. "Well, that damn kid saved his sister, so u imagine we'll let him live.", Also, he's kinda a friend, more like am aquentice but still. Letting people die, is, kind of, not our thing.

Bellamy had an axe he found somewhere in the dropship, or someone else found it and he it took it from them, he did the same thing as Murphy, trying to hit the tree and actually stick the weapon in it. Not just hit it like what they were doing all this time.

Bellamy threw the axe and the axe stuck to the tree, burrying itself deep. "That's how it's done." Cocky bastard. "A bit too high if you were aiming for a head.", I say nonchalantly. I was actually bullshiting, I think if Murphy was standing there, he'd be dead for sure. But, can't let them gloat too much, they're egos are gonna burst.

"Let's see you try.", Murphy handed me his knife as I pushed myself off the tree I was leaning on. I walked up to where Bellamy was standing. "You mind?", I ask him as he didn't move an inch, he took a step back now, gesturing with his hands. "All yours."

I take a somewhat stance, that would actualyy be helpful if I was in a boxing match. Hopefully it was good enkigh for throwing knives. I throw the knife at the tree. The knife sank in the tree bark, for a few seconds before it fell on the ground. I threw my arms in the air and let them hit my sides as they fell. "This is so not fair.", I huff and turn to the boys who were holding in their laughs. I pouted when Murphy actually laughed at me, I threw a glare at Bellamy who held his fist in front of his mouth so I couldn't see his smile.

"Are you laughing at me?", I ask them, acting offended. "You know that tree is too hard. If I had the axe I'd do it better, for sure.", I walk towards the tree and try to pluck out the axe from the tree. Keyword try, I failed miserably. "You're gonna brake your hand like that." Bellamy said, from behind me and reached for the axe. He took it out, no need for wiggling in around or even using his other hand for support. No, he just took it out like he'd take it of the table. Great.

"We searched a half-mile all directions. No sign of Trina or Pascal.", my eyes widened when Atom and Miller came here. I didn't even know people were missing. "Visit your special tree when you were out there?", Murphy edged it him and I roll my eyes.

"Give him a break, you guys already gave him a punishment.", I say tapping Atom's shoulder and giving him a sympathetic smile. But in all honesty it's his own fault for messing with the younger Blake, the rules were simple.

"Could be grounders.", he ignored both our comments. "Yeah, or, they could be in pound town.", Murphy says picking up his knife. "A lot of that going around recently."

"True, Bellamy especially. Y'all are lucky we got implants. Otherwise, in nine months we'd have twice the population.", I shake my head at them like a dissapointed mother. "We knew that.", Miller said, making a face as if it was obvious, elbowing Atom so he'd agree. "Yeah, right.", I snort and turn to Bellamy. "Are we gonna do a rescue party for them too?"

"There's no need for a rescue party when noone needs rescuing.", Bellamy rolled his eyes. "That doesn't really make me safe, Bel, you know. What if I go missing, will you do a rescue party for me?", I turn to him, smiling sweetly but he just gave me a look, his brow raised and his head angled to the side.

heart of glass // bellamy blake Where stories live. Discover now