mans best friend

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The next day, we were on the way to the Gryffindor Common Room going up the grand staircase.
Ron: I'm telling you, it's spooky. She knows more about you than you do.
Harry: Who doesn't?
Y/n: it's not spooky she just likes to read nothing wrong with that
Suddenly, the staircase shudders and begins to move. They all grabbed the railings, but i helped brace hermione .
Ron: Ahh!
Harry: What's happening?
Hermione and y/n : The staircases change, remember? Then, the staircase stops moving, leading to a corridor. I let go of Hermione and checked if she was okay
Y/n: You ok, mione
Hermione: yeah thanks y/n
Harry: Let's go this way.
Ron: Before the staircase moves again.
We walked up to the next corridor and looked around it's dark and empty it makes my body shiver.
Harry: Does anyone feel like we shouldn't be here?
Hermione: We're not supposed to be here. This is the 3rd floor. It's forbidden.
y/n : Dumbledore told us that it was forbidden the first day after sorting .
Suddenly, a flame lights on a tall stone support. then Filch's cat, Mrs. Norris comes running in and sitting down staring into our souls and meows. we all jumped, and i sqweeked and clinged onto hermione
Harry: Let's go.
Mrs. Norris meowed again
y/n: Run!
we booked it through the corridor, flames lighting up on each of the stone supports, one by one, as we past. once we get to the end of the corridor, there's a door.
Harry: Quick! Let's hide through that door!
Harry tried to open the door, but i was locked. i puhed him to the side and tried myself, but it wouldn't budge.
y/n damn it It's locked!
Ron: That's it! We're done for!
Hermione: Oh, move over! Alohomora.
the door opened
hermione: Get in. she said as i pushed ron and Harry through the door
Ron: Alohomora?
Hermione and y/n: Standard Book of Spells, Chapter 7.
hermione looks at me
hermione: If you knew the door was locked, why didn't you use the spell first?
y/n: i panicked and didn't think of it. Sue me, hmpfd
hermione put her hand over my mouth just as we all heard filch coming this way.
Filch: Anyone here, my sweet? meow, come on.
we stayed quiet until we couldn't hear filtch nymore
Hermione: Filch is gone.
Ron: he thinks this door's locked.
Hermione: It was locked.
Harry: And for good reason. We then all turn around, and  there is a massively huge three-headed dog sleeping in front of them.
Y/n: awe hes kinda cute
Hermione: shh, we need to stay quiet.
The dog begins to wake. It growls, yawns, and growls more...noticing us
All: AHHHHHHH! We all run to the door. I hold it open for them to get out, but then Ron shuts it while I'm still inside .
Y/n: shit ok hey doggy easy I don't want to hurt you
I sruck out my hand for him to sniff. One head sniffed my hand. The other two sniffed my body . Then he flipped on to his stomach, and I gave him some belly tubs .
With Hermione ,Ron, and Harry.
Hermione, where's Y/n
Ron: I thought she was after you
Harry: we have to go back and get her
Hermione: You think
Hermione started running back towards the door where Y/n was locked in . She opens the door and finds Y/n giving the dog a belly rub
Hermione: omg are you ok? I'm so sorry
Y/n: it's ok, mione
I turned to the dog
Y/n: Hey boy, I've got to go
All three heads started whining
Y/n: I'll visit soon, I promise
After we left, we headed back to the Gryffindor common room .
Ron: What do they think they're doing? Keeping a thing like that locked up in a school.
Y/n: He's harmless he just wanted love
Hermione: You don't use your eyes, do you? Didn't you see what it was standing on?
Ron: I wasn't looking at its feet! I was a bit preoccupied with its heads. Or maybe you didn't notice. There were three!
Hermione: It was standing on a trapdoor. Which means it wasn't there by accident. It's guarding something.
Harry: Guarding something?
Y/n: Yeah, I saw the trap door, too
Hermione: That's right. Now, if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed. Or worse, expelled.
She gave me a hug goodnight
Ron: She needs to sort out her priorities.
Y/n: Not all of them, just some, any who I've got to head up to my own common room bye guys
It took a bit, but I got to the tower in one piece and quietly answered the riddle.
The painting: What's easy to lift but hard to throw
Y/n: a feather
I got to my room and there was trinity standing there with her arms crossed in her pj's
Trinity: where the Bloody hell have you been it's almost curfew
Y/n: I was with hermione sorry
Trinity: makes sense so how's your girlfriend?
Y/n: she's not my girlfriend we are just friends.
Trinity: sure Y/n sure
Y/n: she's only 11 and I just turned 12 in August
Trinity: wait your Older then her ?
Y/n: Yeah by like a month her birthday is September 19th mines August 20th
Trinity: how come you never told me ?
Y/n: you never asked
Then arylo comes over to me wanting food
Y/n: sorry boy I forgot here let's get you some kibble
Arlyo followed me to his food bowl and started eating right away
Trinity: alright goodnight see you tomorrow
Y/n: night
I stayed up a little while longer just watching the stars thinking about what Trinity said . Could I like girls? I never thought of it but now that I'm thinking about it , it makes sense of why I got so flustered earlier when i kissed miones cheek . But I still had a secret that I hoped nobody would find out its kinda different and uncommon you see when I was born my parents thought I was a boy but it turns out that I'm intersex which means I'll adventualy grow boobs but will have a penis instead of a vagaina. I got up and went to my bed to get some sleep .
The next morning I headed to the Great hall and had breakfast with mione
Y/n: what's your plans today
Hermione:  I'm going to help Harry and Ron with homework . What about you
Y/n: I was going to hang with Hagrid
After breakfast I headed down to Hagrids we got talking and I brought up my new fluffy three headed friend by and accident
Hagrid: how do you know about fluffy ?
Y/n: I got lost and accidentally found him , I won't tell nobody about him
Hagrid: good
After we had some tea I headed back to the Greathall and ate lunch then i did my homework and that was all I did today .

Authors note
Hey potter heads surprise y/n is an intersex  I've always liked books with intersex in them so I wanted to do it awell

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