In the hospital wing, y/n was dropped off by Snape and McGonagall .
McGonagall: poppy is she going to be ok
Madam Pomfrey: she has multiple rib fractures , a lung puncture , her left arm is broken I'm two places ' a major concussion Minerva I can mend the bones and fix the lung but her body will need to heal but i don't know if and when she will wake up
McGonagall put her hand up in shock .
McGonagall: we will need to contact her parents
Snape: her friends are outside. Should we let them in
Madam Pomfrey: Yes, let them in
McGonagall summons more chairs around y/n while Snape lets hermione, Ron, Harry,Neville, and Trinity inside
Hermione runs to y/n and grips her hand
Hermione: is she okay?
McGonagall: you all might want to sit down
Everyone sat down worried about y/n.
Madam Pomfrey: kids she has sustained alot of injuries I have managed to fix most but her head got hit really hard it has put her in a coma we do not know if or when she will wake up I'm very sorry.
Everyone starts crying . Then the hospital doors slam open and In come y/ns parents
Y/m/n: what happend is my baby okay!
McGonagall explains everything from what happend with the troll too her injuries and your mom and dad start crying ?
In y/n's head : what happend what's going on
I start looking around and it's so bright then i see two people walking this way
Y/n: hello who are you where am I?
Woman: you are in a state between life and death called Bardo. I'm Lily potter and this is James
James: Hello y/n
Y/n: your Harry's parents
Lilly: yes and we want to thank you for being there for Harry
James : listen y/n there is a file in our house in Godric's hollow I need you to get it's important
Y/n: why me
Lilly: y/n your not a y/l/n you were adopted have you always felt a need to help Harry
Y/n: what do you mean I'm adopted if y/m/n and y/d/n aren't my parents who is ?
Lilly: y/n everything will be explained in the flie now wake up the world needs you
I start to leave Bardo and I hear
Lilly and james: Goodbye hunny and good luck. I gasp awake I look around and see I'm in the hospital wing . Madam Pomfrey opens the curtain
Madam Pomfrey: Ah your awake how do you feel ?
Y/n: I feel great how long have I been asleep
Madam Pomfrey: my dear you have been in a coma 8 months it's now June 2nd
I layed back in shock
Y/n: wow 8 months how long is left in the school year
Madam Pomfrey: 2 weeks
Y/n: has anyone visited me
Before she could answer me hermione comes in and she froze
Hermione: omg y/n your awake
She tackles me in a hug Madam Pomfrey leaves .
Y/n: mione I can't breathe
She let's me go and sits on my bed
Hermione: sorry! Oh y/n you've missed so much
Y/n: tell me everything
Hermione tells me everything from what happend after the troll attack to finding about Nicolas famel to finding the philosopher stone to the trap door under fluffy and all the horrible things under it . After over and hour she got me all caught up
Y/n: wow I missed alot
Hermione: I will you where their to help .
Soon Madam Pomfrey comes back
Madam Pomfrey: miss y/l/n your free to go just take it easy no more fighting trolls
Y/N: yes Madam Pomfrey thank you
I get up and change into my robes .
Y/n: Let's go mione I'm starving
We walk out of the hospital wing and head to the Great hall for dinner
Y/n: you go ahead I'll be in in a second
Hermione goes in and sits down with Harry and Ron at the gryffindor table. I take a deep breath and go in everyone stops what they are doing and stares at you then they all start welcoming me back I then sit at ravenclaw table with trinity.
Trinity: welcome back y/n
Y/n: thanks
We start eating then Dumbledore stands up and announces
Dumbledore: due to everything that has happened all exams are canceled . I would also like to welcome back miss y/l/n now hurry back to your Common Room pip pip
We head to ravenclaw tower and head to bed.
It's now the end of the school year and Dumbledore is giving a speechDumbledore: Another year gone. And now, as I understand it, the house cup needs awarding. And the points stand thus: In fourth place, Gryffindor with 312 points. Third place, Hufflepuff with 352 . In second place, Ravenclaw with 426 points. And in first place, with 472 points, Slytherin house.
Yes, yes, well done, Slytherin. Well done, Slytherin. However, recent events must be taken into account. And I have a few last-minute points to award. To Miss Hermione Granger, for the cool use of intellect while others were in grave peril, 50
Second, to Mr. Ronald Weasley, for the best played game of chess that Hogwarts has seen these many years, 50 points. And third, to Mr. Harry Potter, for pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award Hermione: We're tied with Slytherin!
Dumbledore: And finally, it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. I award 10 points to Neville Longbottom. Assuming that my calculations are correct, I believe that a change of decoration is in order. dumbledore clapped his hands and the Slytherin decorations change to Gryffindor
Dumbledore: Gryffindor wins the House Cup.
The whole great hall bursts out with cheers and hats are being thrown into the air I was so happy for Gryffindor after the celebration we all went to bed happy .

Always And Forever
Fanfictiontake the journey with y/n l/n throughout her life with the golden trio . y/n has been friends with hermione for years they have been neighbors since they were 6 through this story you will see their friendship blossom into love . this is my first st...