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Okay, not a REAL chapter, but I'm pretty sure i mentioned id add readers into my story at some point? Well, yeah that what this is.
Im gonna list the books you can apply to have your character in (comment on ehat one you wanna be in, and leave ur OC's name/username!):

-Solarballs School AU

-Solarballs House AU

-HPxSB crossover

Now, those are the only three, let me give you background prompts on HOW you're gonna end up there! (Commrnt on the one you want to use!!)

School AU:

-You're Astrodudes friend and he's called you needing help babysitting some students, you accelt the job nevause he's helped you out so many times.

-You're a hacker and hack into the gc of any group. (Dwarves, Moons, Planets, Stars)

-You're a teacher and have been added to a random gc with any group you like. (Dwarves, Moons, Planets, Stars)

House AU:

-You're a delivery person who got Guillermo thrown at them.

-You're a friend of (any 1 planet/moon/star) and have been invited over.

-You're a theif.

I'd recommend doing a quiz so you know what house your in, but if you dont want to or wanna choose your own house then go ahead!! I wont criticise!!

-Ravenclaw: You meet Uranus and the Hufflepuff living with Ravenclaw, Neptune, and swiftly manage to become 'friends' with them. You're invited to a tea party w/ Nep, Ura, Earth, Luna and Guillermo.

-Hufflepuff: Your Professor, Saturn, has asked you to go get supplies for your next class, when you get back with the supplies, you accidentally interupt a 'meeting' with Saturn and Jupiter.

-Gryffindor: The main troublemakers, Mars, Mercury, Harry, Ron and Hermione (ik Neville joins in in the books but as said before im only recently starting the books) accidentally get you involved in their next scheme, PRANK THE PROFESSORS!!!

-Slytherin: You break up a fight between Venus and Draco and get dragged away for detention with the two, Earth and Blaise are brought along as collateral, what chaos will you get up to?

Please leave your personalities and an example conversation here:



leave a description of your character here!!!

I think thats all for now?

Also, please note these chapters are just special events so they won't be made often in favour of lore chapters.

Thank you and if you have any question recommendations to make the events better then leave them here!!

Now imma go eep, GNNNNN!! <333

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