Chapter 1

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In this story it is like many of my other stories where the US has the least amount of quirk users though there are some like Stars and Stripes around, what is different in this story is that a lot of the heroes we see are what we know as the Arrowverse among some other add ons from DC

Third POV (izuku's narrative)

Hello my name is izuku midoriya in many universes but not this one, my name is Ronald Henry-Oliver Snow-Allen but you can just call me Ronnie, I know right? It's kinda a long name but it is what it is, you can call me Ronnie though

I know what you're thinking right? Why would I be called that? Well, after the stories I was told from my parents I am completely fine with being named after my moms dead husband

I live in the future with my two parents and twin sister Dawn (I am not doing the Dawn and Don thing... that's too confusing...) along with my half siblings Nora and Bart West-Allen and believe it or not we're all really close

This story takes place after the series, I did want to also do one that takes place in season 5 where Nora goes back in time so if you want to see that as a side story let me know in the comments

Before we were born my parents formed the Justice League along with my aunts and uncles and now I am training to be the Flash in my time since my parents are getting older

Nora and Bart's parents sadly divorced but they are still very close to the point where dawn and I even call iris mama Iris, frost is here too so we call her mama with Caitlin mom since well... she's our mom

When we first called iris mama iris she burst out in tears bawling with a smile and gave us a bear hug

I've read a few snowbarry stories where they're not happy here, I was gonna have it be a two woman harem for Barry or I guess... 3 since Caitlin and Frost are in two bodies now and I can still do that if you guys want but if not I'll keep them divorced but still close

Anyways uncle Cisco made us suits with this logo

I found this as a cover photo for a snowbarry story and I really loved the design so I'm using it for their logos on their suits

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I found this as a cover photo for a snowbarry story and I really loved the design so I'm using it for their logos on their suits

He put the logo on mine and Dawn's suits which is just a version of the Flash suit with some blue and white snowflakes among other snow related things on them

Comment what hero name you want for Dawn?

Another thing that I have not mentioned is that I live in a world of quirks with the country with the most being Japan which just so happens to have the second best hero school in the world, the hero school I go to being first which was founded by the Justice League

The Justice League is made up of team Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, the Legends and some others from DC and the only one with a quirk in the group Stars and Stripes

Right now I'm at school which actually was in a section of the Hall of Justice that was built when I get a call from Frost

"Hey mama!" Ronnie says through the phone (his narrative is finally over)

"Hey sweetie! How's school?" She asks but her phone suddenly goes on speaker

"You better be doing well young man" Caitlin says

"Your mom's right Ronnie" Barry says

"Yes, yes of course I am, I do get my smarts from you" Ronnie says with a chuckle

Soon enough they ended the call after his parents wanted to check up on him and saying they'll do the same with Dawn when Nora shows up, she works part time at the school since she's also a CSI like their dad, she's also 27 so she's done with school of course and her hero name is XS

Bart isn't here right now since he's 19 and in college and his hero name is Impulse, Dawn and Ronnie are 15 and even though he's training to take up the mantle of the Flash that is a long ways away from happening any time soon so at this moment Dawn and Ronnie don't have code names

Please comment what name you want for the twins

For training Ronnie first wanted to work on his speed so he decided to super speed his way to Star Labs in Central City where he knew his parents were with the rest of team Flash, he could just work on his ice powers after

When Ronnie got there he went to the cortex to greet his large family

"Hey everyone!" He says giving everyone a hug

"What are you doing here?" Caitlin asks

"What? I can't visit my family?" Ronnie says with a small smirk making her stutter

"Of course you can! I-i was just wondering why you were here!" She said while looking at her son

"Anyway I just wanted to train my speed in the speed lab, I know I could have done it at the school but I felt like wanting to do it in the OG one" Ronnie says to the team making Barry happy

"That's my boy!" He says happily making our MC laugh at his dad, "I gotta go" he says as he laughs and speeds over to the speed room to check on his speed as the others helped check his vitals and everything

"Looking good up there Ronnie!" Cisco yells to him

"Thanks uncle Cisco!" Ronnie yells through the mic since it would be impossible to hear them without it

"His speed is definitely getting faster, he's very close to approaching Wally's speed like Dawn ultimately making the duo the second fastest in Speedster history" Iris says with a smile looking at her honorary son

"Which is also surprising since 1. They're younger than Nora and Bart and 2. Ice and speed don't mix but surprisingly they're still really fast, the ice powers should have dampened their speed a bit" Allegra says (she's underrated like the other new characters)

Fan fic logic!

Once he was done speeding around he stopped right in front of the team with a giant smile

"How was that!?" He says excitedly

"You're very closely catching up to me along with your sister which will eventually make you two tied for the second fastest speedsters in history" Wally says as he gives his nephew a bro hug making Ronnie happy

"Hell yeah!" He says with his giant smile still plastered on his face

"Language!" All the parents yell out

"What did you all turn into? Captain America?" He says making Cisco cry

"I'm so proud baby flash" he says because of the reference making everyone laugh

Here is the end of the chapter of the new story, I hope y'all like it and I'll be sure to make the side story soon

Izuku Midoriya: The Son of SnowbarryWhere stories live. Discover now