it all starts ☆

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Somewhere in Tampa, Florida

Iris was in her big ass bathroom connected to her room getting ready for the day today it was brunch with the family she had to sit at this table for god knows how long when all she wanted to do was sleep

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Iris was in her big ass bathroom connected to her room getting ready for the day today it was brunch with the family she had to sit at this table for god knows how long when all she wanted to do was sleep. She was up all last night looking at outfits for her upcoming photoshoot she had in less than a week. She just got done add the final touches to her makeup before she went to her full body mirror to put on her perfume and look at her outfit "damn I look tf good" she's says looking at herself in the mirror she was wearing a two piece skirt and blazer set from LV and sum red bottoms to set off the look.

She headed downstairs and grabbed her keys and her purse and was off to her parents house


"Took you long enough where were you" Kaliya asks as soon as Iris walks in the door

"Well Goodmorning to you to mother" Iris says sarcastically walking over to give her mom a kiss on the cheek

"Goodmorning everybody is in the dining room go sit down I'm coming"

Iris walks away from her mom to the dining room greeting everyone "Hey my baby your finally here" her dad says looking up from the morning paper "Heyy daddy I missed you" she says walking over to give him a hug "I missed you to come sit next to me we have a little catching up to do" Iris takes the seat next to her dad talking to him "oh come on you just gon forget about your favorite brother" Kayden says walking out the living room with his daughter on his chest "oh hush I haven't seen daddy in a week and plus little Kiya took over my spot" she says putting out her lip in a fake pout

"Ok everybody come on to the table it's time to eat" Kaliya says walking in the dining room setting down some bacon "Oh Iris where is Amon?"

"I actually don't know where he is mother he's been gon sense early this morning"

"Tuh you can't keep a man worth nothing" Drea says smirking

"That's my husband how tf can't I keep a man Drea" I say squaring my eyes at her so she can stfu

"Oh nothing no need to get all mad Iris" she rolls her eyes

"Ok that's enough girls stop it now I have a few important announcements to make" her mom says hitting the side of her glass "First and foremost Iris the remodel of the agency is almost down so you'll be back to work in less than a few weeks"

"Omggg yesss I'm so ready"

"Next we have a event tonight so everyone needs to go get ready after brunch so we can be ready and get there in time"

"Mom are you serious you didn't even tell me I don't even have a dress for Nadia" Drea says clearly getting a little mad at the late notice

"Oh don't worry I'll have Ivan go get her something before we go" Kaliya says brushing her off

She finishes up giving her announcements that's she has to give before Amon come in interrupting

"Hey yall hey baby" he says walking over to me kissing me on the cheek smelling like another woman's perfume

"hey honey" I say bluntly trying not to roll my eyes I just have to get through this brunch without popping off at his dumb ass at this table

Xo'lani Bennet

"Agent Benet are you busy?" one of the other agents asks standing at the entrance of the office

"Nah I'm not I just got done filing paperwork wsp"

"Chief needs you he said he has a new case for you and Asia"

"Ightt im on my way rn" When he leaves I grab my case folder and my laptop and make my way to her office

"Hey Chief you wanted to see me ?" Xo'lani says walking into the office sitting down

"Yes I did actually I just got intell on the president the case is back on"

Xo'lani pauses for a second " The president that got my wife killed"

"Yes Lani we have word that he is starting another gang in the city and more we need you to go under cover and spy on his family we know the wife, the oldest daughter, the son, and the youngest daughter's husband have something to do with his sick ass game"

"So what do you need me to do we already know the whole family is up to something"

"Well I want you to go under cover at the event tonight the youngest daughter is gonna be their I want you to befriend her and see what you can get out of her once y'all become friends, I want you to use her however you can to get her to spill wtv she knows. I don't really know if she has anything to do with this but is she does its worth a try.

"Why do I have to be friends with this snobby bitch I can't relate to her and her ass hat of a daddy got my fucking wife killed"

"Lani I know but if we do this it will be good for the force and we will get ranked up"

"Ugh ok I'll take the case"

"Ok so your undercover name is Ryan Chase and you are a very wealthy businesswoman your gonna approach her when she's alone make sure her husband is not in site before you approach her. Asia is gonna give you the signal when she's in the control room, and you're gonna give Eli the signal to keep the guards distracted. Your gonna need to get her number by the end of the night if not we have to make you bump into her somewhere so she has not choice but to talk to you.

"Can I at least wear a suit ?"

"Hmm actually you can but its gonna have to be a little girly I know that's not your style but all the woman are gonna be wearing dresses and you have to wear you hair back so its covering the mic on your glasses

"As long as I can wear my suit I don't care wdf I got to do I'm ready to take this son of a bitch and his whole snobby ass family down"

"Tuh me to the location will be sent to you and a car will be sent to pick you up at 8 be ready and goodluck"

How do y'all like this??Do you think Xo'lani is gonna be okay with lien when she sees how nice Iris is?Find out in the next chapter of Secrets

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How do y'all like this??
Do you think Xo'lani is gonna be okay with lien when she sees how nice Iris is?
Find out in the next chapter of Secrets...

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