disappointed ☆

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Tampa FBI Agency
the next day
Xo'lani Benet

It was the beginning of a new day Xo'lani just got in the office looking good as always formally dressed in some dress pants a button up shirt paired with he newest Christian Louboutin sneakers

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It was the beginning of a new day Xo'lani just got in the office looking good as always formally dressed in some dress pants a button up shirt paired with he newest Christian Louboutin sneakers.

"Hey Lani here's your iced coffee with extra cold foam" her assistant passes her her coffee

"Thanks love, what's on the schedule for the day?"

"Ok right now you have a meeting with Chief he wants to talk about last night. You have dinner reservations with your gf tonight at the Fin and Tonic and you get off early today so after the meeting your done unless you wanna stay back and look some more into the case with Asia and Leon"

"Ok thank you" with that Lani makes her way to the Chiefs office to see what he wants to talk about she know she played her roll good.


"Goodmorning Lani you can go ahead and have a seat I'll be right with you I'm just downloading this last recording from last night"

"Wait you got something new already?"

"Yea I do it's seems little ole Amon is not the best husband of the year"

"What did you find out" Lani looks she ready to know what they found already and she just planted the device

"Well from listening to this recording he is in fact messing with another female and this is not just a regular female this is the one in charge after Mr. Parker so if we get them to break things off we can get her to tell everything. Also he is abusive asf we went back to his record in 2018 and we got three females that he abused and they're willing to come in and talk. Lastly there was an argument between the couple last night and all I know is there was a lot of screaming and a big thump. So I'm gonna give you the drive and your gonna see what you can get out of this and take notes we need to know if he's hitting her to because it's gonna get him more years on him"

"Ok got it I got a little information on our little conversation from last night" Lani says opening her case folder

"Alright spill and lmk" she takes out her notebook and pen

"I don't really think she has anything to do with all this bullshit it's really hard to believe that she does she very sweet. Also I didn't get the number because we got interrupted by one of her security guards but i plan on getting it soon"

"Good good but besides that I don't understand why you were calling her beautiful I didn't ask for that I asked you to become friends with her not try and get in her panties like Eli" she says looking more serious then before

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