pictures ☆

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Chill & Smoke Coffee Shop
Friday 9:00am
Iris Parker

It was finally photoshoot day she was almost done with her pictures she was so ready to go home so she could go lay down. The bruises she had were still pretty visible from her face to her body even when makeup was added they had to keep starting over because the bruises would still show, so her mom said for get it and told them to do regular makeup and just edit the pictures very good. She really didn't wanna be seen by anybody she felt ugly. Iris sat in the nice coffee shop taking notes and doing some work she had to do for the reopening of the agency soon.

Iris was sitting there vibing to her music when someone taps her on the shoulder.

Xo'loni Benet

It was Maloni's day off she hadn't had one in forever she decided today she was gonna go shopping since she hadn't been in a while. She was walking in the outlet and she seen a coffee shop and they had her two favorite things hookah and coffee she went in the coffee shop and it was really nice.

 She was walking in the outlet and she seen a coffee shop and they had her two favorite things hookah and coffee she went in the coffee shop and it was really nice

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"Hi welcome to Chill & Smoke what can I get started for you today" the lady says cheesing hard asb at Lani

"Hi can I get a dark on ice with almond milk" she smiles back at the lady showing off her diamond grills on a few of her teeth

She takes the order to the back and they start making it immediacy "Your total is gonna be $5.38 would u like to add hookah"

"Hmm yea go ahead and add it" Lani goes ahead and pays for her stuff the lady goes and grabs her coffee handing it to her making sure her hand lingers in hers

"Here you go sexy have a nice day" she says right before Lani walks away

She laughs to herself looking around trying to find somewhere to sit untill a certain someone catches her eye. She walks over and taps her shoulder she thought this was the perfect opportunity to get her number this time and the mission could continue.

"Hey Iris" Lani says to the girl getting in her view to be seen

Iris turns to see who it was "Oh it's you from the other night"

"Yea you busy if u are I didn't mean to interrupt"

"No no no come sit I'm not busy at all" Iris says pointing to the chair

Xo'lani takes the offer and sits down "Sorry I ran off the other night I hada get home" she said lieing about what she was really doin

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