meeting her ☆

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KndJ Sisten Chapel
Xo'lani Benet

Me, Asia, and Eli get to the venue and ngl it was nice as hell it was everything I thought it was gonna be based off how far in Tampa it was we finally pull in and I step out first helping Asia out the car

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Me, Asia, and Eli get to the venue and ngl it was nice as hell it was everything I thought it was gonna be based off how far in Tampa it was we finally pull in and I step out first helping Asia out the car.

"Why thank you Lani you can be nice sometimes I see"

"Oh shut up and come on so we can get this over with" I say wrapping my arm around Asia's waist walking to the door

"Names pls" the garud out front asks the both of them

" Ryan and Faith" I say handing him both the tickets so he can stamp our hands

"Alr come on in and enjoy" the guard says opening the gate at the door

They walk in getting a fill for the place switching on their ear piece and separating from each other so they both can get to their goal for the night getting in that control room and befriending Iris.

The place was fucking huge they hand tons of people walking around offering things from champagne to all kinds of snacks this was a well put together party to say the least but Xo'lani was not worried about anything else but finding Iris

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The place was fucking huge they hand tons of people walking around offering things from champagne to all kinds of snacks this was a well put together party to say the least but Xo'lani was not worried about anything else but finding Iris. She walks more into the party and she sees her standing off to the side with her husband. She didn't look how she looked in the picture at all she was absolutely beautiful. She was glowing and so put together not a hair out of place nothing she was everything and some more she didn't even look like the snobby bitch that most people say she is she didn't even look like she wanted to be here.

"I'm in position eyes on hear just have to wait for the right time to approach" Xo'lani says into glasses

"Ok got it me and Eli are also in position just waiting for them to move when they give the speech" Asia says into the mic

The mic shut off after they stopped talking and all Xo'lani could do was just wait for the right time to walk up to Iris. While she was waiting she found her eyes drifting over to Iris everytime she tried not to pay attention she was just so beautiful. She could not take her eyes off of her she could not get over how people could call her so many things but she looks like an actual angel.

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