The First Of Many and The Second Day

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As izuku stands over his aunt, who is in a deep sleep by the drool on his pillow, he can't but help and wonder why the heck is she on my bed? He doesn't really want to wake her up but he also wants to sleep on his own bed.

Pacing back and forth by his bed he doesn't see that mitsuki has woken up, but decided to pretend to stay alseep, because she was to embarrassed and hoped izuku would just leave to avoid the awkward conversation that would happen.

Izuku then suddenly came to a stop and while thinking he remembered what happened this morning while he was leaving and decided he needed to wake mitsuki up so they can talk about it so he went to shake her awake.

"Um mitsuki wake up please i need to talk to you." Izuku said gently as to not scare her awake."(*Fake Yawn*) hmm oh izuku what are you doing in my room." Mitsuki tried to avoid clearly hearing what izuku said.

"Y-your in my r-room mitsuki." He said pointing to the obvious things on his walls and desk. "Oh sorry izuku I was cleaning the house but must've been more tired than I thought working late last night and just passed out." Mitsuki said telling a half-lie. She was cleaning but when she got to izuku's bedroom she wanted act like she was laying next to izuku so she laid down, but ended up falling asleep due to his bed being comfortable and she liked the way it smelled like him.

"Anywho again sorry I'll just be on my way." Mitsuki said trying to speed out of there, but before she could izuku grabbed her hand and held her back. "I was wondering if we could talk real quick. Its kinda important." Izuku said with his back turned still holding her hand.

Mitsuki really didn't want to have the conversation she thinks they are gonna have, but knew if she avoided it too long another girl   might interest izuku and she'll lose her chance before it even started. She turned around facing izuku's back with his hand and hers still connected. "What do you want to talk about?" She barley whispered while gently rubbing her thumb over his hand.

Izuku had so many thoughts going throughout his head on what he should start with, but decided to start with this morning's events. "About this moring when I was about to leave and we almost you know." Izuku said still with his back turned.

"Yeah I know. I'm sorry I didn't mean for that to happen it was just-." Mitsuki was cut off by izuku. "I'm in love with you Mitsuki."

Suddenly the room was very silent. Mitsuki was to stunned to speak and had a massive blush all over her face. Izuku was berating himself in his head. "WHY DID I JUST SAY THAT I WAS JUST GONNA ASK HER ON WHY WE ALMOST KISSED AND JUMPED THE GU-." Izuku was brought out of his thoughts by mitsuki trying to speak.

"I-I'm in l-love with you too i-izuku." Mitsuki said with tears forming in her eyes. Now it was izuku's turn to blush heavily as he finally turned around and stepped closer to her interlocking their hands together. "S-Since when izuku? How l-long have been in l-love with me?" Mitsuki asks still with tears, but not looking at him.

Izuku seeing the tears knew it was too late to go back now and just committed and closed his eyes and began speaking. "I've always been in love with you mitsuki. Of course at first it was a different kind of love at first i loved you kind of like a second mother, as you were always there for me when I was down about my lack of a quirk cheered me up when I needed it plus I always thought you were the most beautiful woman." Izuku then chuckles. "I even told my mom once when you first moved in I thought you were a goddess with how pretty you were."

Mitsuki then softly laughed as izuku continued. "As I got older I started to pay more attention to you and started looking at you as a woman and saw how sad you were, but even with that sadness in your own aggressive kind of way how kind and willing to help others even though you yourself were in a bad place. It's what made me want to be the same way as I got older. It's even one of the reasons I've decided to go down the path I'm going now like you helping hero's in your own way. I'm gonna do it my way." Izuku then took a breath and finished. "I am in love with you mitsuki and I love everything about you, your looks, your brash personality, your willingness to put other before you is what made me fall in love with you."

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