Welcome to Reptarworld! Pt 6

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Two chapters in one night? Yup! Welcome to the FINAL chapter of Tommy Pickles: The Terrible Twos! I hope you all enjoy!

{Tommy's POV}

After my birthday the days went bys like they were us on a mini-bacation afore we went off to preschool. Dilly's second birthday camed nextest! He gots to have a big Goober themed birthday party at Piggy's Pizza Palace since sadly there was no Goober world. At least not that any of us knowed of. But that's okay, Dilly didn't minds so much! He gots a bunch of presents toos with Goober and Reptar, and of course my mommy gots him some more clothes toos. And we gots to play lots and lots of fun games and stuffs!

Soon it was the day where we gots to watch more pretty fireworks, I thinks my mommy and daddy saids that day was calleded Fourth of July? All the lights were super pretty toos! We laterer even gots to go to this waterpark called Slosh Mountain were we gots to play in the water together!

Also not long after thats I founded my daddy's clamcorder and pretended like I was the director person like I saw on T.V. where I had Spike be the stars of my movie as I followed him around the backyard with the clamcorder to have something for my movie. I ended up naming calling it "Creatures from the Backyard" and my mommy and daddy loveded it! After thats we learneded that me, Dilly, Savannah, and Samayah all gots invlited to Tanner McNulty's second birthday party which was pretty fun when Timmy wasn't bothering us so much. The McNulty's usually weren't so bad if Timmy wasn't around just like how things usually were betterer when Angelica wasn't theres. Dilly and Savannah also seem to be friends with Tanner toos even if Tanner wouldn't says that, at least not while his brothers were theres. He had a Robosnail themed birthday party as that seemed to be his favoritest.

Of course, acause of that invilation, Tanner, and only Tanner out of all the McNulty's, was invited to Savannah's birthday party along with the rest of us when it was Savannah's turn to turn two years old. She of course still very much loved Dora stuffs so a lot of her gifts and presents were just that! By then it was almost time for us to start going to preschool very soon so our mommies also started getting our stuffs we needed to bring to preschool and having it in our backpacks so we would haves them.

It was really asciting to knows that we'd be going off to preschool soon! We were all growed up! Er, well almost, we still had lots of growing to dos from here on but at least we, except for maybe Dilly, Savannah, and Samayah, were no longer considlered babies by the growed ups. Speaking of Samayah, shes gotten much betterer at walking toos! Her birthday won't bes until after we starts going to preschool but Im sure she's starting to gets real ascited for her firstest birthday toos.

It wasn't even longerer then until it was a few days afore we gots to go to preschool as our mommys and daddy had everything all ready for us. That's when we also learneded that the school bus was gonna come right to our houses to picks us up in the morning after breakfast to takes us to preschool every day. As the days gotted closer and closer I could tells that Dil was starting to gets worried, this was going to be the firstest time where I'd be gone almost all day everyday which meaneded, if Savannah and Samayah couldn't comes over, he was going to haves to finds things to do by himself.

"Why can't I just goes to preschool with yous?" Dil askeded me

"Acause Dil, you're not big enoughs yet, I mean you're not even potty trained neither. I thinks you at least haves to be potty trained to goes to preschool." I asplained to Dil

Though, I should have knowed that wasn't what Dilly wanted to hears as he started getting really upset and saying that it wasn't fair. However, that's when I minded him that just acause he hasn't gotten its yet doesn't mean he ever will and that he'll likely gets to plays with Savannah and Samayah lots while I was off at preschool with my friends instead. He seemed to feel a little betterer but I could tell that he was still kinda sad about the whole thing. Sadly, this was one of those things that was already asided which meant we all had to goes along with it whether we likeded it or not. I know we also spent the last few days reminding Chuckie that not only was preschool gonna be super fun but we'd all be there with hims so he didn't have to be ascared. Soon it was the lastest day afore we had to go off to preschool, though it was just like any other regular old day, we had breakfast, our friends gots to come over and then Grandpa and Grandma had to watches and that's where we gots to go to the park and plays together. We even gots to have a piclick in the park where we all gots to eat our lunchies. We then played one lastest game of tag afore we had to goes back to mine and Dilly's house for our naps. Of course, after thats we gots to play some more in the backyard afore everyone had to go home to get ready for dinner and then bedtime. The same went for mes, we had nummy mash potatoes with pasghetti for dinner! After dinner, my daddy gaves us our bathy and then we gots ready for night night. After my mommy gots Dilly asleep, she came into my room to be with my daddy and mes, just as my daddy finished reading me a bedtime story, as they both gaves me a hug and kiss goodnight night.

"Goodnight, Tommy." My mommy and daddy both said as my mommy closeded my door almost all the way

I was almost too ascited to sleep to knows that starting tomorrow, I was going to preschool!


I'd like to make one final note to thank everyone who has read and supported this story over the past 11 years! I've said it before and I'll say it again I'd never have made it this far without all of your support along with any ideas that were given to me especially from Celrock and even Mr. Chaos around the last few stories. Though, just because this story series is ending doesn't mean I'm stopping here! I have more planned so stay tuned as we move on to the new adventures the gang will go on as they traverse the world another year older!

Tommy Pickles: The Terrible Twos (Series; Pt 2)Where stories live. Discover now