Chapter 05: Assassins

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I tapped my foot against the floor of my study, avoiding Lily and Trish's glares. Seb was in his room and thankfully not here to witness the verbal lashing I was due for.

"How could you be so careless?!" Lily snapped at the same time Trish said, "You're in such deep shit, Hawke, I can't even see you."

I looked between them as they began speaking again, voices rising higher to be heard over one another, words overlapping each other. I cringed as I waited for them to be done. It took a solid five minutes for them to tire themselves out and use every curse word in the dictionary to explain what the Big Guy would do to me if I didn't right my wrong this moment.

"Are you done?" I asked as their chests heaved after their long and quite creative rant.

"Not remotely. But I lost my breath." Lily exhaled as she took a seat in one of the visitor's chairs on the other side of the desk.

"I am done." Trish raised his hands as he leaned against the bookshelf beside him.

"Good. Now, I know I fucked up but I need you guys' help. I can't go to the Big Guy because...well, I think you both know why since you told me all the ways he could screw me over." I sighed. "And I think Warren Hale knows who I am." I murmured.

"What?!" My friend's voice was so high-pitched I was sure it took out my eardrums. Even Trish flinched.

"I am not sure but there is a heavy possibility that he does. And my name." I ran a hand through my hair, pushing it out of my face. "I didn't want to wait around to find out." I added when they kept staring at me.

"I expected this shit from Trish, but not from you, Vina." Lily eyed me with disappointment and it made heat rise to my cheeks.

"I am trying to fix this mistake. That's why I called you guys." I huffed, displeased with myself more than anyone else could be. I wasn't prone to making mistakes like Lily pointed out. "I need to put out Warren Hale before he can get to me. I need to move and I need to move fast." I rubbed my hands down my face.

"What do you want us to do?" Lily asked, leaning forward. Trish uncrossed his arms and took a step toward me, a glint in his eyes. I grinned as my gaze met his.

"I need you to hop on this case with me, Trish." His face lit up with a smile so wide, it was manic.

"At your service, Hawke." He bowed dramatically, earning an eye roll from Lily.

"But-" I began but he cut me off.

"But the killing blow is yours. Always." He promised and I nodded, satisfied.

"Lily, I need you to tail Warren. I need to know who he is meeting today and when. Also, I need you to find out where Cecily Johnson lives. I still need my phone back." I sighed. In my panic, I hadn't waited for Cecily to return my phone before I bolted from the building. I was sure she thought of me as a freak show. "And, I want a babysitter for Seb." I offered her a sheepish smile when her expression changed to one of horror.

"I am a criminal, Vina. Babysitting doesn't suit me." She held up her hands, shaking her head incessantly.

"Lil, please. I can't leave Sebastian alone. You can set up here and work from my study. Keep Seb out and make sure he eats and goes to bed on time." I explained, a pleading tone in my voice.

"Sweetie, he is seventeen. I don't think he needs a babysitter." Lily groaned.

"I know but this is the first time my parents have allowed him to live with me and I don't want to mess it up. I don't want to go another three years before I see my brother again. Please, Lily. Like you said, he won't even need you to fuss over him. Just make sure he doesn't get killed or something." I responded.

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