Chapter 02: Business In NYC

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"You're leaving again?" Jace pouted as he watched me pack my things in my briefcase. I glanced at him lounging in one of the visitor chairs in my office at Encore Ltd., unaware about what my life had become. I didn't want the others to worry about me.

"Yes." I answered, tapping the file against the table before putting it carefully into the briefcase, lining it carefully with the other documents.

"But you just got back." He complained. "You won't be there for the big move next week." He added, tucking his arms behind his head, his face lighting up as he did.

"Ahvi moving in with you is going to be exciting and I am happy for you guys. But I need to be in New York," I said, looking away from him lest my eyes gave something away. I wished they didn't. So far, only Tariq knew about the shitshow and that was enough.

"Yeah, so you keep saying." Rolling his eyes, Jace Hyde, one of my best friends and a partner at Encore, got out of the chair. "It's fine." He murmured, running a hand through his hair, his tattooed arm flexing with the movement.

"I know you are bummed, Hyde." I sighed, rubbing a hand down my face. "But you know how the business is and that I am in charge of all overseas affairs." It was a half-truth.

I was in-charge of overseas affairs but this time, I was not going to New York precisely for business. I was going there to handle family matters and to find her.

Grey eyes, narrowed at me, lined with a thin line of kohl and so extremely deadly, staring at me. A hand wrapping around my throat. A soft grunt as I drove my knee into her abdomen. The swift, smooth movements as she followed me.

It was foolish to go back to New York, where she could easily find me again. But this time, I would be prepared. This time, I won't let her get away, not so easily.

"Warren?" Jace's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I blinked away the memory of the woman, the one I had heard a lot about from my brothers when I'd told them about her.

"You seem distracted." He pointed out the obvious. I waved him off as I closed my briefcase and straightened it.

"Thinking about my flight." I lied. I was a man of few words but only Jace Hyde could make me talk. He talked so much, one felt inclined to add a few points of their own.

"Figures." He rolled his eyes again. "Come on, I'll drop you off at the airport." He gestured toward the office door.

"I will have the driver take me. You don't need to worry." I assured him but he shot me a look that told me to shut my mouth. It was rare for me to be on the receiving end of that look.

"I am taking you. End of discussion," He said and walked out of the door before I could say anything else. I sighed as I picked up my briefcase. A moment passed before the door opened once again. I looked up to tell Jace that I was coming but it was Tariq who stepped into the office.

"Leaving?" He asked, searching my face. I nodded, ducking to pick up my things. The movement didn't need to be so exaggerated but I was still trying to hide my face from him, hoping that he would not catch onto the look of sheer trouble that I sported these days.

My parents wanted me to get into an arranged marriage, which I had refused a few times already. That coupled with the woman who had tried to kill me, it was all too much for me to handle.

"Are your brothers going to be there?" Tariq questioned as I straightened again.

"Maybe." I responded. I was dreading meeting them again. They were more my parents' goons than siblings whom I had grown up with. Ever since I had decided to leave my family, pave my own way in the world instead of joining them in their business, they had been on my case, trying to somehow get me to join the family once again.

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