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"If I disappear, will you look for me?"
It's been a few days since the incident with Drew and the soldiers at the south perimeter. Since then, Warner has found new excuses to spend more time with me.
Whether it's additional briefings, joint patrols, or extended meetings to discuss security protocols, he has been seeking my presence more frequently. His demeanor has subtly changed. He is more attentive, he is more engaged in our conversations, and there is a persistent intensity in his gaze that is driving me crazy.
If only this was a win.
In all this time, despite Warner's slight collaboration, I have still got nothing.
No more information about Juliette. No more details about the security system. No more opportunities to spy on Adam's and Juliette's interactions. No relevant information of any type about the Reestablishment's plans. No nothing.
Crazy for someone who is spending every minute with a Chief Commander and Regent —and son of one of the Supreme Commanders—, and his lieutenant.
Warner is constantly asking more about me, and I don't know if I should be happy about his interest, because he is done with that phase of 'ignoring Arabella all it's possible', or be alarmed at how much he can find out if he sets his mind to it. I'm a spy, it's part of my job to be undetectable to everyone.
But the problem is that he is not everyone.
Yet despite these changes, Warner remains a closed door. I have tried to get some valuable information out of him, to understand his motives and his plans, but he misleads my questions with facility. It's as if he's playing a game I find hard to follow. Every conversation seems like a tricky game, and I'm constantly aware of the fine line I'm treading.
I gave up trying to —indirectly— persuade him to let me be the one who supervises Juliette in her cell. Obviously, he still has to choose someone, therefore, my task has been to study the possible chosen ones. From reviewing files to memorizing histories. I am very sure of who could take the job, and my only option now is to play both sides. I must approach them, gain their trust, be one more of them, and get them to confess to me this information. Since I can't do it myself, there is no other option than to get it second-hand. Even if this means getting altered and possibly poorly managed information.
This could be a fantastic solution, if only my commanding officer would let me act as just another soldier and spend time with the rest of my unit and the rest of the soldiers. I'm getting tired of this 'women shouldn't be here' act, but there is nothing I can do about it.
I could get Drew to obtain this information for me. I know he would, but then again, the same problem is reflected in here: I cannot get closer to him. Besides the fact that I might be putting him at even more risk, and I cannot do that to him.