Chapter 19 - Slow dancing

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ART IS NOT MINE!! All credits to the creator!!


The next days I was at the police station most of the time, as we were working on the newest case, trying to find a pattern in the murders yet again. The job was more stressful than ever, especially because I was faced with the note very often, my thoughts and feelings swelling over it, almost drowning me. 

The few hours I was at home, I often found myself watching Alastor, trying to figure out if he really would be able to kill a human being. And I hated myself for that. I hated that I couldn't trust him, I hated that everything he did was interpreted by my mind gone crazy.


"You seem troubled lately, dear", Alastor noticed while I was watching him chopping onions for our dinner. I sighed and answered: "Yes, I am. The job is very exhausting and my boss is stressing about finally finding the killer more than ever. He's always keeping me on my toes- oh god it's annoying me!"

Alastor laid down the knife and gently stroked my cheek, whispering: "Would you like me to help you to relax, mon cher?~". I sighed and nodded, Alastor turned around and turned on the radio on the kitchens counter. A quiet melody was playing on the radio, I recognised "Misty" by Johnny Mathis, one of my favourite songs. (I know this song isn't from the 1930's when Alastor was alive, but it's a very fitting song)

Alastor offered me his hand and I took it gently, he pulled me in and we started to slow dance in the kitchen. I let my head fall against his chest as we were slowly swaying from one foot to the other. "You're very tense, darling", Alastor noticed and I felt myelf get nervous. I trusted him, why was I still in the defense-mode?

"I am?", I asked and Alastor answered: "Mhm~ you are, Louis. What troubles you really?" I gulped at the thought of me telling him what I thought, but I figured that I could trust him. I looked up at him, answering carefully: "It's just that we found a note at the crime scene reminded me very much of your handwriting", Alastors eyes met mine and I felt myself get really nervous, "And I know that you wouldn't do such a terrible thing! That's why I'm so troubled, because my head tells me that it could be true, but my heart tells me that I'm wrong- I feel so bad, Alastor! How could I think so lowly of you?!"

I could feel the tears of despair falling out of my eyes, Alastor stopped the swaying and gently catched my tears, caressing my reddish cheek. I sobbed heavily, asking: "A-are you mad at m-me?" Alastor cupped my face in his warm, big hands and answered, almost whispering: "How could I be, Louis? I love you and nothing can ever change that. I know how hard your job is- and it's your job to suspect people after all! I won't judge you for that."

I felt my heart rise and pick up the pace, hearing that, before I hugged Alastor tightly. He let out a suffocated breath, before hugging me back, laughing: "Careful, darling! You're crushing me!" I let go of him, laughing e bit embarrassed at my sudden overreaction: "Sorry...".

Alastor smiled, befor ekissing me on my cheek: "Oh, there's nothing to be sorry about..."



The second Louis had left for work, I could feel my heart crumble, I had to sit down in my chair, holding me head, which was heavy of the thoughts.

(Thinks:) "I have to tell him before he finds out! But what if he leaves you? It would crush him! I just should've stayed away from him!", I felt desperate tears forming in my eyes, "But I do love him so much! Enogh to hide something like that from him? If you would really love him, you would have kept away from him. Now the truth will destroy him!"

I rubbed my red eyes, sighing exhausted. Ultimately there would be only one way out one day-

The truth.


I know this is a rather short chapter, but this is an exception, as it didn't fit with standing alone.


KILLSHOT - Alastor x Lucifer human AUWhere stories live. Discover now