Chapter 6- Hot like Whiskey (smut)

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TW: Alcohol, Cursing, (smut)

THE ART IS NOT MINE!! All credits to the creator!!


Although Alastor seemed very suspicious, I couldn't find anything. (Thinks:) "Maybe he's just nervous about me telling him, that he did something illegal?" 

I almost stumbled, as the tall man appeared behind me, seemingly out of nowhere: "I have your apllejuice, Mr. Louis." I had to catch my breathing for a few second, before thankfully taking the drink and chugging it down.

After I finished it, I said: "Well, it seems that you're quite the good guy, Alastor. I didn't find anything suspicious." I thought to see a little emotion of surprise flash over his face, but then he answered charmingly: "Well, thank you, Louis~".

I smiled at him, before saying: "Well, I'll get going now! It wa snice to meet ya, keep up the good work!" Alastor guided me to the main door, shook my hand and answered: "Oh trust me, I will~".

It was already night, the forest appeared a bit scary and it was yet so calm. 

I got into my car and just as I wanted to start the engine, it broke down in a black cloud of smoke. I groaned: "Oh, c'mon!" I tried again, but it was useless, my car was broken and I was in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the night. I got out of the car and kicked one of the tires out of anger, screamed: "You stupid-ass car! Why now?"

To put the sugar on the cream, it started to rain heavily. I groaned and walked back to the wooden house, knocked at the door once again.

Alastor opened, his eyes a bit surprised: "Well, you came back quite quick!" I sighed, pointed to my car: "It's broken, could I please use your phone?" Alastor nodded: "Sure thing."


I had called the towing service, but they said that they wouldn't be able to get me an dthe car before tomorrow morning, 9 a.m..

Slightly pissed, I hung up, crossed my arms and tried not to kick Alastors couch out of anger. He stood beside me, noticed: "Well ist seems you're stuck with me for tonight, hm?" I looked over to him, answered: "Yes, indeed. But you're nice- I think. One night can't hurt, right?" Alastor nodded, said: "You can sleep on the couch, if you want to." I accepted the offer, sat down, lowered my head onto my hands, I was so fucking tired. No wonder, I hadn't slept in four days by now.

Alastor seemed to notice how miserable I was, so he asked: "Could I do you a favour? You look like shit, Louis." I laughed at his choice of words, then answered: "Do you have some whiskey?" Alastors eyes widened in surprise, but he went over to grab a whiskey bottle off a shelf, poured me some in a nice glass, before handing it to me. 

I took a huge sip, sighing in relief. "May I say that you, Sir Louis, look very tired?", Alastor asked, while taking a sip himself. I laughed weakly, before answereing: "No shit, Sherlock. Ugh, that damn murderer is driving me insane- I need to find him!" Alastor listened very attentive, before asking: "And you didn't sleep in...?" "Four days", I completed the sentence, laughing frustratedly at myself.

Alastor made an astonished expression, before suggesting: "Maybe you should drink a few glasses of this fine Whiskey and then get a good rest, hm?~", he raised the bottle and poured into my almost empty glass. I was about to say no, but I couldn't resist his charming smile and voice- so I gave in.


Oh my god, I was wasted! I had lost count of how many drinks I had in my blood by now, Alastor was tipsy too. It was very early in the morning and we were chatting about all sorts of things, when I finally started to become tired. 

I yawned: "Alastor, I'm going to sleep now..." But Alastor wouldn't accept this and shook his pointy finger in front of my face: "Nononono Lucifer~ We have sooo much to tell each other!" I tried to push him back, but he was way too heavy- and too drunk.

He kinda collapsed on top of me, managing to hold himself up on his forearms. I went red and very hot instantly, but Alastor seemed untouched, in fact, he stared down at me with a wide grin, his eyes sleepy. "Alastor, could you please get off?", I asked carefully, but the man shook his head and whispered: "No, I'm going to stay here, Luci~".

I tried to push him off in anger: "Fuck you, Alastor! I shouldn't have told you about my real name!" The creole man laughed at my attempts to push him off and lowered himself onto me entirely, so I wouldn't stand a chance. I sighed and heard him mumble: "You're sooo soft, Luci~...", I then heard deep snores, his left arm hanging of the couch and his right arm framing my upper body, his head on my chest. 

I sighed deeply at the fact, that he was the one trying to get me asleep and now he was the one who fell asleep first. I got myself into a more comfortable position, resting my hands on his back and head. "Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into...", was the last thing I mumbled before falling asleep too.

KILLSHOT - Alastor x Lucifer human AUWhere stories live. Discover now