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This was one of the worst days ever...

I walked into the kitchen over to the cabinet, grabbing the rum popping off the lid, litterally. It flew and hit the floor. I chugged enough to make sure I could deal with the emotions I was going through.

I've always been one to keep to myself. Having a family like mine makes it hard. Bit, I made sure to put on a face for them.

Today wasn't one of those days.

"Whoa y/n, the hells going on? Are you okay?" Asked Ace more concerned than I'd heard before. I glanced at him and then away as I put the bottle down. I walked over to the table, sighing.

"Can you help me?" I asked. He stood up. "What's going on?" Asked Thatch as he stood in the doorway.

"I'm fine. I just need some help with something. It's not that serious. Don't stress." I spoke.

"Dont Stress? You've just downed half a bottle of rum. Were gonna stress, you've never been a drinker, " said dabo from the table. "Y/n.." marco added. I looked at him. His face.

"Ugh, fine. Me and my ex broke up a few weeks ago and I need to go get my things but I don't wanna see that asshole, so Ace here can go get the stuff for me" I said. The room got serious.

"Huh? What happened?" Asked Luffy as he sat there, I ruffled his hair.

"Oh, you know, the usual..." I spoke, trying not to tense.

"Y/n, seriously, what did happen?" Asked Ace as he placed his hand on my shoulder. I frowned.

"Can we get my stuff, please? Maybe them I'll tell you, but right now I wanna get this iver " I replied guiltily as u lulled him out the door.

"A few weeks? You've been dealing with this alone for weeks? Why didn't you tell us?" He questioned. I threw him my keys. "Because it wasn't anyone's buissness, and I didn't wanna worry you guys. I know that you're all like. You'd probably end up murdering the bastard, " I said. Ace huffed. "Yeah, you're right."

We drove all the way to the assholes apartment. I wanted outside as Ace brought down a suitcase and bag of stuff, I popped the trunk, and he threw everything in. "CAREFUL!" I explained. Ace backed up "sorry sorry" he replied with a frown. I sighed and squeezed his hand. "Is that all?" I asked. He hummed, walking to the drivers side. I slammed the trunk softly and got in the passengers side.

"Ace.." I spoke. He glanced at me "Whats up?" He asked as his eyes landed back on the road.

"You didn't... do anything stupid, did you?" I questioned him. He gulped a little and smiled. "Depends on your definition of stupid," he answered. I sighed. "Amd. That's a stupid question. You know exactly what I mean," I responded, irritated. He frowned.

"He cheated on you, didn't he?" he spurted out with a cold glare. I was quiet... before I hummed.

"I saw his plaything up there." He hesitated to say, I frowned, "I think you'd find I'm the plaything, they're engaged, " I answered quietly. Ace gritted his teeth.

"Dont worry, they'll be using the wedding money to fix his teeth," he responded bitterly. I looked in awe at him. "Ace, you didn't..." I spoke completely shook. He grinned darkly. "I did."

I face palmed. "Pops will kill you. You know he's gonna file a police report," I said in disbelief. Ace chuckled softly and soed up a little. "Pops will praise me. Believe me, you're his angel. I think he might even be mad I didn't kill the bastard." He replied, he wasn't wrong... but this wasn't something I wanted the family to know. I wasn't actually gonna tell Ace what happened. Guess it's out now...

"You'll be okay," he said. I sighed and took his hand. "Thanks, Ace..."

Once we got home, I grabbed my things and took them straight upstairs, locking my door and blasting music. I knew Ace couldn't gold his tongue, so I wasn't gonna sit and be interrogated by the family. I began getting all my things out, but honestly, only one thing concerned me. It's why I was mad Ace threw my stuff. I opened the jewellery box...

"FUCK SAKE" I shouted seeing all my jewellery was missing, of course it was...

Luckily the only thing I wanted still laid there inside, guess it didn't have enough monetary value to be pawned off. I sighed in relief as I grabbed it. It was small ornament. I've never been without it. It was a glass phoenix. We all went to a glass factory, I say we, I was ill and didn't get to go. But all the boys did. Because I missed out, Marco brought me back this small phoenix, decorated with blue and yellow. It meant so so soooo much to me.

Obviously, back then, I had the biggest crush on the guy. It's been years, years of suppression, and ignorance. He had a girlfriend at the time, so it's not like I had a chance anyway. I placed the charm on my vanity table. Looking through everything else, there were clothes, books, cds, makeup, etc.

After I'd put it all away, I turned the music off. I stood in front of the door contemplating... should I open it...

I huffed and played with the door handle, trying to make a decision. Just then, a knock came from outside, I jumped back startled before rushing to the door, unlocking it and opening it.

"Y/n, hey.. uh.. suppers ready, " said marco awkwardly. I stood there staring at him for a second.

"You're not... here to ask about -"

"-no, I know if you wanted to, you'd tell us yourself. We've all said we won't say a word until you do." He quickly cut me off, his tone so soft. I could see the darkness in his eyes, though.

I was shaken. Taking a deep breath, I stepped out of my room, looking at the pineapple headed man, I gently embraced him in a hug. "Thank you," I spoke before letting go and walking to the stairs.

"Well... let's go"

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