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"Sooooooo, are we still going to shanks party?" Asked Luffy excitedly. Ace yawned and pointed to sabo, sabo face palmed and pointed to marco, marco covered himself with the newspaper and pointed at thatch, thatch rolled his eyes and pointed at me I sat there and ignored them all.




I sighed and stood up, slamming my hand on the table. "Fine, let's go," I said, irritated as I grabbed the van keys. "You couldn't wait 30 minutes... just 30... what am I gonna do with you, and you 4. Grow up. Get in the car, " I said, referring to the other 4 idiots.

"Whoa y/n, you're like our mom," Ace joked, I shot him a glare. "You are like..
7 years older than me, " he spoke, luffy doing the math in his fingers.

"So what? I'm like your big sister nor your mom." I retaliated, Ace laughed and patted my shoulder. "Struck a nerve," he spoke.

I grabbed his arm and twisted it, keeping him in a lock hold. "OW Y/NNNN," He complained. "Ace... im seriously not in the mood to be dealing with your stupid jokes." I said. I let go, and he got in the car.

"Just ignore him. What's up with you?" Asked marco softly. I sighed and leaned on him. "I'm just adjusting. And I'm still mad at Ace for putting pressure on Pops with that police report last week, " I said. Marco smiled. "Pops will have that dealt with in not time, dont stress about that," he said. I hummed and gently pushed him towards the car. "Hey, let me drive today,  " he said. I was a little surprised, "Oh, sure, thanks," I replied as I got in the back, marco started the engine.

"Can we listen to Brook?" luffy said. Marco turned on the radio. The whole ride there was Hell.

Once we got there, I was completely ran over by luffy as he scrapped his way out of the car... I was so done already. I sat there and waited for everyone to evacuate before I'd even attempted to get out. As I was about to, marco offered his hand down to me, which I took.

I smiled gently at him, which he returned, I felt my insides turning. "M'lady," he said in that soft tone. I stepped out van, and he shut the door. "You look... beautiful by the way, leave it to those idiots not to compliment you, " he spoke as we walked. My cheeks heated up as Blush crossed my features. "Oh.. thanks.. you look.. handsome too, " I said as I looked away shy. He chuckled gently and opened the door for me to enter.

The party was very loud, a lot of people. Obviously... it's shanks. I sighed as I walked straight to the counter and grabbed a drink, and downed it. I wasn't in the mood to party, I'd just managed to go to the pawn shop and purchase half my jewellery back.

The guy wouldn't sell me my prize ring Pops gave me for my 18th birthday. Marco had to convince him with a little thing called pain. But half of my jewellery had already been sold, including the necklace luffy gave me after he ate it. It was one of those surprise foods, you can also get the ones come in soaps and candles. But luffy ate the whole thing, Ace managed to get him to throw it back up after some chest compressions. Luffy thought it would be a lovely gift to me.

I sighed as I filled my cup. Only to be interrupted. "Y/n hey, been a while," spoke shanks as he threw his arm over me with that drunk smile. I sighed and flicked the man. "Awh, don't be like that. it's a party. Enjoy yourself. I sure am, " he said with a laugh.

"Shanks, you could enjoy a party for one. What do you want?" I asked. He sighed and stood up straight. "Care to dance?" He asked strangely nicely. I looked around, trying to contemplate what was going on.

"...sure why not" I said awkwardly, he smiled and grabbed my hand resting a gentle kiss on it before taking me to an open space, he then wrapped his arms around me and we began to sway.

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