The boys' POV

We heard a loud slam coming from upstairs. And music is playing again.

"Did anyone actually check on y/n earlier?" Asked Thatch concerned. "I don't think so, I mean, this game is really good," said Ace thoughtfully. Sabo poked him. "WHAT you didn't either, so don't blame me."

"Yeah, well, I've been doing my work. You know cause I have a job?" Argued sabo.

"All of you Shut up, I'll go check on her since you're all incapable." Said marco as he sighed and began to walk up the stairs.

"Even when she got cheated on, she didn't slam her door once, must be badddd," Ace piped up. Everyone frowned.

"I hope she's okay," luffy said quietly.

Marco walked to the door and knocked, no answer. So he knocked louder. Nothing.

"Y/N," he shouted, still nothing.


But still not a sound from her. He sighed and contemplated. Giving her time.

But he had enough and kicked the door. It flung open. At that, the other men ran up, wondering what the noise was.

They all looked around, but she wasn't to be seen, looking under the bed and in the wardrobe. "She isn't here," sabo said as he glanced at the window, then ran downstairs going out the front door.

Everyone followed, but then what Marco saw...

Beside the vanity table was the small phoenix he'd made y/n years ago. It was smashed. He frowned at the sight. He went to pick it up. "MARCO, GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW AND HELP US SEARCH!" shouted Ace, very worried.

"She doesn't have her phone. It's in the kitchen," sabo spoke with a frown. "I may have accidentally seen a message. She lost her job earlier,"

Marco ran down the stairs, grabbed his keys, and got in his car, Ace followed.

"Thatch sabo, you go look that way, luffy you stay here in case she comes back. And DONT tell Pops when he comes back from his work trip, " Ace shouted, then he shut the car door, and they drove away.

Your pov.

I walked down the road, not really caring about any oncoming traffic. What were they gonna do anyway. I was numb.

I finally saw it, the woodland park we used to go to as kids. Whatever stopped us going here is a mystery to me.

I walked and walked coming up to a kids' park we'd mess around on. There were so many memories here..

What the HELL was I thinking...

What was he thinking..

Kissing me then never saying a word. He regretted it. I mean, we're family. It must have felt wrong. All of Pops' kids aren't related, but we're still a family. So why didn't it feel wrong to me. Why have all these years? Why did I love him. And why didn't I say anything. Why did I just suppress it all. Plus... he's 15 years older than me... that's gotta be something.

I kicked the rocks on the floor. "I'm the problem," I whispered to myself. I sighed and sat on the basket, swung rocking back and forth as I stared at the sky. The stars were pretty.

I looked in my jacket pocket, the necklace luffy gave me... I dangled it in my hands. Guess i had this all along, and i didn't even know. I thought i lost it, but its been with me...

I shouldn't have left. They must be so worried...

I sighed.

Not wanting to go back yet, I didn't feel ready. My reality was in shambles. I lost my dream job, my dream man. My ex is rubbing his success in my face, and I'm left here... an almost 28 year old single jobless woman acting like a child. I need to go home.

I took a deep breath. Then, I began to walk home.

As I got to the main road, I began to realise what I was walking back to, and part of me didn't want to. All I'd get is 5 worried boys screaming at me, wondering what the hell I was thinking. If I knew, I'd have told myself by now. I put the necklace on and held it tight. Taking yet another deep breath.

Eventually, thatch and sabo pulled up beside me, I didn't really know what to do, I refused eye contact. Sabo jumped out faster than I've ever seen him. He hugged me so tight you'd have thought I was a prevented murder victim. "Y/n... what were you thinking? Do you know how worried we've been? Everyone is out looking for you. You are so stupid." He said with a stern voice. I couldn't help but tear up. When he saw my saddened expression his ran cold.

"Hey hey its okay, I didn't mean to raise my voice. We were just glad you're okay. You don't have to say a word about it, okay? Just come home, " he said a lot softer. I gripped him tightly and sobbed into his shoulder quietly. "I'm sorry," I whispered. He rubbed my back and shushed me. "Dont be, let's just get in the car, okay?" He said gently. I nodded.

He opened the door for me, and instead of sitting in the front, he got in the back with me and held me all the way home.

Once we arrived luffy came running out with a worried face on, he squished his head against the car to see who was inside, when he saw me his face lit up and he barged open the door. Pulling me out into a big hug. I sniffled and held him for a while.

"Where's marco and Ace?" Asked sabo speaking to thatch who just locked the car. "They're on their way back. Shouldn't be too long, " he replied tiredly. I frowned and broke the hug with luffy, walking back into the house. The 3 men followed.

"Y/n, relax okay? Well, make sure Ace and Marco don't bother you when they get back. We'll forget this, alright?" Sabo said gently as he brought me a cup of hot chocolate. "Luffy was brewing some up while waiting here for you." He explained. I took the cup and sipped it, trying not to be all shakey.

"Now y/n, I'm officially locking your windows," Thatch said with a smile as he sat down. I nodded, not even cracking a smile. He sighed and leant back. "Will you tell us what happened, or are we gonna have to suffer?"He questioned, I shrugged, unable to give a proper answer.

Sabo sat beside me and rubbed my shoulder softly. "I saw your phone, is it about your job? You know you dont have to worry about that stuff. Pops has always had us covered " He asked gently, not trying to provoke. I began to tear up a little. "It's not just... about my job... a lot has happened today.. I just wanna go to bed.." I answered very quietly. Sabo sighed and looked around for a moment, contemplating. "Okay y/n" he said with a soft smile. "Let's get you to bed," he spoke as he offered a hand. I took it without eye contact. I was too drained.

He walked me up the stairs into my room, but as I walked in, I held my breath. Tears began to rush more than anticipated. I dropped to the ground and began to scramble all the glass shards on the floor.

"What's wrong? Hey hey its okay." Sabo tried to comfort me when he saw what I was crying over he was a little confused.

"Oh uh, what is it?" He asked as he tried to comfort me. The tears wouldn't stop.

"I-its my phoenix that marco made me... I've ruined it... why do I always ruin things... this is too much. Marco made this for me with his hands. It's so precious... and now it's broken... why do i always do this? " I cried. Sabo was really surprised by this outburst. Firstly, he's probably only seen me cry once or twice and never to this level. Secondly, I've never done something so rash like run away or cause such a breach in the household. He knew this was gonna push me over for sure.

"Hey, it's okay, I'll fix it. It's like a puzzle. We can put it back together. I swear I try my best, okay?" He spoke so concerned. I just whimpered. He helped me stand up and took the glass pieces from me. Walking me to my bed, he tucked me in.

"We'll be okay y/n," he said. He sat with me till I fell asleep.

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