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The guys pov

Sabo sighed as he walked down the stairs, glass in his hand. Once he got to the living room, he heard all the guys bickering in the kitchen.

"Will you all be quiet, y/n is asleep," he said, irritated. They all shut up, but he could see the glares. Sabo sighed and sat at the table, putting the glass shards on it.

"What's that?" Asked Ace as he sat down and inspected the pieces. "This is y/ns glass phoenix. She loves this more than anything, why I don't know, but she does, and it's broken. So I need to figure out how to fix it before she wakes up. This was the last straw for her today." Sabo explained. Ace hummed and stood up, going to the cabinet, grabbing some glue. "Here, this should work," he spoke as he passed it to sabo.

"Marco, wanna do the honours. She kept going on about how you made it for her. So you know what it's supposed to look like. Cause I can tell you we have no clue" sabo spoke to the other blonde. Marco sighed and sat down, collecting the pieces.

"I haven't seen it in a while, but I think I can fix it. I don't get it. This was just a piece of junk I made at that glass factory years ago. I gave it to her as a get well gift, she loves it that much?" He asked, sabo sighed and hummed.

"More than anything." Sabo added. Ace smiled and watched marco as he laid out the pieces. "Whoa, this is going back years. You know y/n used to have the biggest crush on you ever. It's probably why she cherished it so much." Ace babbled out as he messed with some of the pieces trying to put it together.

"I think the only person oblivious to that was actually just marco," Thatch added with a huff. "Whoa, do you think she still loves him if it means this much to her?" Luffy asked completely aloof to the things he's just said.


"That would explain her downing that bottle of rum earlier when marco went on his date, i mean, she also lost her job. But she admitted that there was more going on than just her job." sabo thoughtfully added.

"That's a very specific example... way too specific, " Ace said with a questioning face.

"Will you guys shut the hell up? She doesn't... like me, okay? She's made that clear" marco spat as he glued some pieces together. The room went quiet.

"How would you know that?" Interrogated Ace. The blonde pineapple sighed and hesitated.

"Because she rejected me," he spoke with a cold glare focused on the project at hand.

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard, if you asked her out before she got with that bastard ex of hers, she would of said yes for certain" sabo replied with a serious tone.

"Yeah, well, that's the thing, i didn't ask her out back then, I kissed her... when we got home from shanks party a few weeks ago, " marco admitted. The room fell silent.


"Well, that sounds like the most bullshit I've ever heard," Ace said. Marco glared at him.

"No, seriously, we were absolutely blackout drunk that night. So we're you, so even if you did remember. What made you think she'd trust your feelings when you're dazed out your head on alcohol. And she's still recovering from her ex. Don't you think she'd be cautious rushing into anything?" Ace spat at the blonde. The room was quiet again.

"Ace... that's the smartest thing to leave your mouth ever." Thatch said with a smile.

"He's right marco, no one cares this much about a little glass charm you made years and years ago if she didn't love you," sabo said. Marcos brows furrowed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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