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I cleaned the dishes from supper, everyone was now in the living room on the new console Pops bought. I sighed as I dried the last one. Having done that I walked into the living room and sat beside thatch who was staring at the game like a goring entity.

It's been 2 weeks since the night of the party, marco hasn't spoke a work to me about it and I'm way too shut out to say anything either. Maybe he doesn't remember, or maybe he just regrets it. That thought made me frown. It's not that I didn't like it... I've had a crush on him for years we've established this. I suppressed everything when he got a girlfriend. Never looked back. But now he's done this all those feelings have came afloat again. It's all I've been able to think about. And it feels so wrong cause I'm still fresh from a break up, it's only been 2 months...

My main reason for pushing marco away that night is because the last thing I'd want to do is use him as a rebound it's selfish. I'd never wanna use someone I love. I sighed... do I need to talk to him about this?

"Hey marco don't you have a date tonight? They hell you doing here. Shouldn't you be getting ready?"

My heart sunk...

"Oh right yeah" he spoke as he stood up. "20 minutes," he said as he checked his watch. He walked away going upstairs.

I felt like I was gonna explode...

"Y/n do you wanna go?" Asked luffy, I was dazed, but his voice brought me back "what? Oh n-no thanks."

Take a deep breath you're stuttering.

"I'd rather watch you guys play, I don't want the pressure. Plus I'd suck anyway." I said more confidently.

My phone rang, looking at it, I sighed "its my boss, gimme a sec guys" I said standing up and walking I to the kitchen.



The phone call ended. I wanted to smash it. I threw it onto the counter top and grabbed a bottle of rum from the fridge. Walking back through the house the boys stared at me. "Y/n are you okay?" Asked Ace, I just stuck my finger up at him and walked upstairs to my room, I turned on the music, loud as usual. Locking my door.

I sighed and sat against the wall on the floor thinking things over. Before I could even register time, the front door closed, I peeked out my window to see marco walking away and getting in his car. I wanted to cry. Only another sigh left me.

He drove away... I slumped back onto the floor staring up onto my vanity table seeing the beautiful glass phoenix... is that all it was... just a mistake.

Why do I keep making mistakes...

I ended up getting swirvy, the alcohol kicking in. I opened my tablet and was scrolling through social media. When I saw a post that made me wanna throw it across the room. My ex...

2 months ago huh.. our mutual friend posted wedding pictures, and even a pregnancy announcement, how she was gonna be an auntie. I wanted to throw up. The worst part was his main piece looked more than 2 months pregnant.

Did he know about this when we were together?

I felt my eyes get heavy. I wanted to scream. I didn't care...

What hurt was how his life was going so well and I've lost my only chance of being with the love of my life because of him... was it really his fault though...

Mt ex is a piece of shit... but he didn't feel like he was using marco as a rebound and reject him. I'm..  im the piece of shit.

I snapped back to reality when I heard a car door shut. My music playlist had long finished. Marco came walking back and in the house. I slowly unlocked the door and creeped onto the landing. I could just overhear the conversation.

"So how was it?" Asked thatch with his usual kind tone, "it was nice, she's a med student like me. So we had some stuff in common" he replied.

1 punch.

"That's cool, was she hot?" Asked Ace, I could hear the slap thatch just fished out to the ravenette. "She was beautiful." Marco said, his tone alittle more shy.

2 punch.

"So, second date in mind?" Asked sabo.


"Yeah I was-"

Last straw.

I quickly went back in my room and slammed the door locking it, I turned on the music again but it didn't feel loud enough. Tears.. here they came.

I grabbed my coat off of the vanity tables chair, and quickly opened the window, hopping out I climbed down the pipe and ran.


I always make stupid mistakes...

I made it to a main road and quickly got myself a taxi. Using the money in my jacket.

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