Ch 12 I won't meet anyone

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Balakrishna Murthy was sitting in his study, a sense of satisfaction settling over him. The conversation with Shridhar Shukla had gone well, and he was hopeful about the future. He decided it was time to inform Aditya about the latest development. He dialed Aditya's number, his heart heavy with anticipation.

"Aditya," he said when his son answered, "I have some important news. The girl has agreed to the proposal. However, she wishes to meet you before we proceed."

There was a long pause on the other end of the line. Balakrishna could almost feel the tension radiating through the phone. "I am not meeting her," Aditya's voice was cold, laced with anger. "This is ridiculous. You made this decision without even consulting me, and now you expect me to meet her like it's some formality?"

"Aditya, this is for your own good," Balakrishna tried to reason. "She is a wonderful girl, and this meeting is just to ensure that both of you are comfortable with the arrangement."

"I'm not interested in your matchmaking," Aditya snapped. "I have no intention of marrying anyone, especially not under these circumstances."

"Aditya, you will meet her," Balakrishna said firmly. "This is not a request."

Aditya hung up the phone without another word, his anger boiling over. He stormed out of the office, grabbing his keys and heading for his car. He needed to get away, to clear his mind. He drove aimlessly for hours, the city's lights blurring past him. His thoughts were a whirlwind of frustration and resentment.

Eventually, he found himself at a bar, a place he rarely visited. He walked in, the dim lighting and low hum of conversation offering a strange comfort. He sat at the bar and ordered a drink, then another, and another. The alcohol dulled the edges of his anger but did nothing to ease the turmoil inside him.

He lost track of time, the hours slipping away as he drank. His thoughts kept circling back to the unwanted engagement, the feeling of being manipulated by his own father. He couldn't believe this was happening. He had always prided himself on his independence, on making his own decisions. And now, here he was, being pushed into a marriage he didn't want.

The bartender watched him with a wary eye, refilling his glass when needed. Aditya's usually composed demeanor had crumbled, leaving behind a man consumed by his emotions.

"Another," Aditya slurred, pushing his empty glass towards the bartender.

"Maybe you've had enough, buddy," the bartender suggested gently.

Aditya glared at him but didn't argue. Instead, he got up unsteadily and stumbled out of the bar. He needed fresh air, needed to think. He leaned against his car, staring up at the night sky, his mind a haze of alcohol and anger.

He knew he couldn't avoid the inevitable. His father's decision had put him in an impossible position. But he also knew that he couldn't face Anya in his current state. He needed time to process, to figure out how to handle this situation.

As he drove home, his mind was still racing. He knew he would have to confront his father, to make him understand that this was not the life he wanted. But for now, all he could do was try to sleep off the alcohol and the anger, hoping that clarity would come with the dawn.

The Murthy family was gathered in the living room, their usual evening routines disrupted by an air of unease. Balakrishna had informed everyone about the engagement, but Aditya was nowhere to be found. They waited anxiously, the hours ticking by, the atmosphere growing more tense with each passing minute.

Suddenly, the sound of a car pulling into the driveway broke the silence. Shanta stood up, her heart pounding with worry. Balakrishna exchanged a concerned glance with her, both fearing the worst. When the front door finally opened, Aditya stumbled in, completely drunk and barely able to walk.