It Felt Real

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                                                    CHAPTER 3

I’m about to leave my dressing room when the door opens and Gale , The district  victor Cashmere , District 7 victor Johanna Mason and the district 2 victor Enobaria.

They stroll in with their hair and makeup all done with robes on except for Gale who is wearing a suit.

I smile at the victors trying to make a good impression.

“I’m guessing you’re all my bridesmaids” , I say kindly with a smile.

“Yup” , Johanna says popping the P.

“Here are your dresses girls” , Cinna says handing them dress bags.

They walk off to get changed while they leave me alone with Gale.

“Married huh? , I’m guessing it’s one of Snow’s plans?  , Gale questions.

“Yeah , But Finnick is actually a great guy” , I say with a small smile.

“Well I’m walking you down the aisle Catnip” , Gale says with a smirk.

The girls come in.

Johanna is wearing a long silk green dress with jewels on the bust.

Cashmere is wearing the same dress as Madge.

Enobaria is wearing the same as Johanna.

“You all look beautiful” , I say with a smile.

“Thanks newbie” , Johanna says with a smirk.

I chuckle at her nickname.

“Time  to go” , Gale says ushering us out the door.

He puts an umbrella over me  so the photographers can’t see me properly.

I see a fancy black car with a light green ribbon on the front with a pink rose in the middle.

I climb into the car carefully and my bridesmaids follow.

We drive for about 20minutes until we come up to a forest.

The driver climbs out and opens my door , Gale comes around and helps me out.

He takes my arm and leads mee towards the forest.

I notice that we are walking on carpet.

Then I see it , the aisle.

It’s beautiful.

The aisle is decorated with light pink rose petals , the arch is made from white freesia and primroses , white freesia hangs from the trees and snowdrops adorn the chairs and are randomly scattered around the aisle.

Cashmere hands me a bouquet of light pink roses and cream roses and she smiles at me.

No one in the wedding can see me I’m hidden by weeping willow trees.

I hear the wedding march start up and Gale gives me a reassuring grin.

My bridesmaids walk down the aisle and then Gale starts leading me down the aisle.

I smile nervously at everyone.

I recognise a few victors and capitol socialites.

I spot Annie Cresta scowling at  me in jealousy , she’s wearing a green strapless dress  that flares out just above the knee.

I glare at her.

I then smile again and I see Finnick , handsome as always ,  if anything more handsome than usual.

He is smiling at me.

I blush , but then hope no one saw.

Gale hands me over to Finnick and sits down in the front row.

The crowd sits down and the man marrying us begins to talk.

“I, Finnick Kai Odair take you Katniss Dahlia Everdeen to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish from this day forward until death do us part.”

I repeat the vows.

“You may now kiss the bride!” , the man says.

Finnick leans towards me and brings me closer by resting his hands on my back , he gently kisses my lips and gently tries to  open my mouth  , I open my mouth and we are both now open mouth kissing , he pulls away after about 30 seconds.

I felt something in that kiss , i felt a warm funny feeling around my lower stomach , it wasn’t a fake kiss , it felt real.

“I now pronnounce Finnick Kai Odair and Katniss Dahlia Everdeen to be officially Man and Wife!”

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