Not alone in the world

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Hello everyone! I just wanted to thank you all for reading all of my stories! I've been going through a tough time lately and the only thing that makes me feel better is writing fanfic. When i read nice comments from people telling me that they love my story i literally smile from ear to ear. I am going to try and write a.n's on every chapter i put up so you guys can have more input of what happens in the story! well anyway, Here's a new chapter! :)

“I escaped recently from the capitol’s secret medical base”, He explains. “Why do we have to leave though?”, I ask. “Just pack everything Katniss”, Haymitch snaps. I am not taken aback like a normal person would be, But I know Haymitch, he’s just..well, Haymitch?

I nod and Gale lifts Johanna up and brings her upstairs. Finnick along with various other victors and what I assume to be rebels march into the kitchen and shut the door. I shake my head and bring the twins upstairs. I spot Robbie in the hall and stop him. “Where are we going?”, I whisper. “An island, Bring everything you need to survive”, He whispers, barely audible. I nod in a confused way and he runs to the other end of the house with his girlfriend. I get the twins and go upstairs to my bedroom. I take out all of the cases we own and start piling clothes and necessary items into them. I change the twins into suitable clothes and sit them on the bed. I put on a black knitted sweater, army green cargo pants, my hunting jacket and a pair of brown laced up comfortable boots. I braid my hair as normal.

I then remember that I should bring weapons. I go into my wardrobe and press the invisible button and the wall flips over and displays all of my weapons. I sling my bow over my shoulder with extra arrows. I put a knife belt along the inside of my coats lining, I also bring a few grenades just in case.

I put the twins shoes and coats on and Finnick appears at the doorway. “We need to go”, He says picking up a few of the cases. The twins put their small back packs on their backs and I carry my suitcase and hunting bag. I walk downstairs with the twins traipsing behind me talking gibberish.

“How are getting there?”, I ask Finnick. “Plane”, He says quietly. Everyone is in warm clothes and has their bags ready. The front door opens and the wind nearly blows the twins off of their little feet. Robbie puts Jonah on his back and his girlfriend Faye carries Rosalie. I realize we are walking towards the meadow and there a huge object with wings sits.

The wind is picking up as I look behind me and see a troop of peace keepers in the distance. “Quick! There are the peace keepers!”, I shout. The door opens on the side of the plane and we all climb the stairs as fast as we can. I take one last look as my little district and my heart cracks. The door closes as the peace keepers yell at us. The plane has rows of seats and little windows looking outside. The engine starts and I sit down with Finnick and the twins. Finnick puts our bags up above the seats and buckles us in. The plane starts moving and I watch outside as we pass the fields and we start to fly in the sky. The peace keepers shoot their guns at the plane but miss by a mile.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Finnick taps my arm and my eyes fly open. “We’re going to a small island about two hours from here, The American government and army are hiding there with some of the remaining population of Earth, We aren’t alone in this world you know”, He explains. “What’s happening?”, I ask. “The rebellion has started, It’s took years of planning and now it’s finally happening, We’re going to get rid of the panem government”, Finnick says holding my hand. “Is there many other people?”, I ask in a small voice. “Yes there are other nations, They aren’t like Panem, They know about Panem but were too afraid to approach us, The place we’re going is called Cuba, We’ll stay there for a while before moving to somewhere safer”, He says softly. “What do you mean safer?”, I ask in a confused tone. “Cuba is close to America, Too close, We need to go far away”, He explains. I nod, trying to take it all in.

“Have a nap, I’ll wake you when we get there”, He says kissing me on the lips gently.

Later that day:

I wake up from my nap and Finnick is still holding my hand. “We just landed”, He says smiling.

“I want to see this place”, I blurt out. He nods and unbuckles our seat belts.

Robbie stands up and helps Finnick as he takes down our bags. Johanna is rushed off of the plane with Gale following hastily. A pang of pain hits my heart and Johanna locks eyes with me for a moment.

When we get off the plane a vision of paradise hits me. Blue skies, A calm sea and a beach beside the plane.

“It’s beautiful”, I gasp. “Let’s go to our house”, Finnick says grabbing my hand.

A fleet of black shiny cars come speeding along the runway and the doors are opened by the drivers. We climb into one and the driver drives for a few minutes along a road by the sea. The twins are fascinated about this and laugh and smile.

A few minutes later we pull into a huge gated community. We drive down a narrow road and come up to a beautiful red villa. The car stops and we all climb out. The driver helps us with our luggage and drives off.

Finnick opens the front door and we walk in. It’s beautiful and it’s a shame we aren’t staying here long. “It was a resort before the war”, Finnick says as he puts our bags down. “It’s lovely”, I say looking around.

“How long are we staying here?”, I ask. “A few weeks, Maybe less if all goes to plan”, He says running his hand through his hair. “What are we going to do here?”, I ask. “We have to shut down the capitol’s communications from the outside world, Notify other countries it’s time for war and to choose their side and prevent North Korea from attacking Panem or here”, He explains. “Where’s north korea?”, I ask. “It’s on the other side of the world, it has a lot of enemies but they are very powerful, In a way they are worse than Panem”, He says sadly.

“I wonder what the world was like before the war”, I mutter to myself. “Hopefully, we’ll find out”, He sighs.  I explore the rest of our new home and find mine and Finnick’s bedroom.

I unpack some of my things and change into something more suitable.

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