Chapter 12

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Tony - I know things are tough, but that's when we're at our best! When we're running on instincts! Flying by the seat of our pants. They're everywhere!

Echo - They're attracted to the plant you rubbed all over yourself.

Tony - Why didn't you say?!

Echo - Are you serious? You wouldn't listen when you showed off your tattoo, you didn't listen when we got stuck and you're not listening now!

Tony - You're crazy.

Echo - Wha--?! Fine! You know what? You figure it out then. Good luck.

Tony - Do we have any repellent? Echo? Gotta do everything myself.

Cisco - Where are we?

Frostee - We're lost, man. We're in deep.

Cisco - Bro...

Frostee - Must be miles from the hauler.

Then Cisco starts to get thirsty after get separated from Tony and Echo while he is with Frostee.

Cisco - Aw man, I'm thirsty, Frostee.

Frostee - Everything looks the same. How did people survive without GPS or allergy medication?!

Cisco - I'm sweating like crazy. I might have leptospirosis.

Frostee - I told you not to read that book about river diseases!

Cisco - If I go first, I'll leave you my everlasting gum.

Frostee - You're going to be around as long as that delicious flavor.

Cisco - Help!

Frostee- Help!

Echo - Hey.

Frostee - Oh, we're saved!

Cisco - I'm cured!

Frostee - Echo, how'd you find us?

Cisco - Oh...

Echo - Want to find that monkey?

Frostee - How do you know where to go?

Then Echo points to a tree with monkey prints on it.

Echo - Just following the monkey's trail.

Cisco - You're right, Echo, chewing on this grass keeps me hydrated. And builds my jaw muscles. They could use some definition.

Echo - Seems your monkey is up there. Meet you back at the hauler. Good luck.

Frostee - You're leaving us?! How will we find our way?

The Story of Tony Toretto and Layla Gray in Fast and Furious Spy RacersWhere stories live. Discover now