Chapter 33

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Cisco - Uh... Tell me I'm your best friend. Dang man, that really hurts. How long is he gonna be mind-controlled for? When can we be friends again?

Frostee - Hm... Based on the amount Donut had and how long that lasted, not too much longer.

Cisco - Oh, right. Donut, bro! Aw man, I feel so bad for mind-controlling you. We gotta let him go, man. You deserve to be free. Go! Be free! I can't make you stay here anymore!

Frostee - Want me to mind-control him and then you tell him to be free?

Cisco - Whoa bro, you just blew my mind.

Echo - Keep your head explosions down! I'm trying to hear!

Rafaela - I've got a little surprise for you.

Layla - Oh, you want me to open it?

Cisco - Oh no, does she remember the code?

Frostee - I don't know.

Rafaela - Like, any day now. You two are going to have a little competish. Winner gets to live. I trusted you to deliver the formula to HQ, but you choked so hard it's not even funny. I need to know if you can still drive under pressure.

Layla - You wanna see how good I drive? Grab some popcorn for the show.

Cisco is eating popcorn.

Tony - Man, what's going on? Did someone sucker punch me and knock me out again? That's bad for your brain.

Frostee - No, you were mind-controlled. Do you not remember anything? The handstand? Acting like a ninja?

Tony - I did that?

Frostee - Hmm. Interesting...

Tony - Is that Layla?

Echo - Oh man, you missed a lot of stuff. I'll catch you up. Remember Saint Rafaela? She's alive and is the one who made all the mind control formula. Now she's making Layla race to prove her loyalty. Any questions?

Tony - Yeah. What happens if Layla loses?

Rafaela - The course is all set up. Take a lap through all five favelas and get back here. The only rule is... don't lose. Go! Ride or die! My catchphrases are so perf, how do I not have my own TV show?!

Layla - Ticket this!

Then Gary gets the Spy Satellites up and running and also has live feed.

Gary - Satellite feeds are live. There's a downhill turn coming up.

Tony - They're dangerous. The wrong angle, and you could create lift. Then it's...

Frostee - Layla's got this!

Tony - Keep that racing line! Yes!

The Story of Tony Toretto and Layla Gray in Fast and Furious Spy RacersWhere stories live. Discover now