Ms. Nowhere - Wouldn't they call them something in Portuguese, Mr. Helper?
Then Cisco starts heading towards the highway overpass in Rio on their way to the Corrida das Cinco Famílias that Tony and Layla are in.
Cisco - Hang on!
Then Rocha quit chasing the hauler with the fugitives in it.
Frostee - Why did they stop chasing us?
Ms. Nowhere - Because of that!
Echo - Oh man. I hope this thing has airbags!
Ms. Nowhere - It's got something way better than that. Everyone! Hold on to something!
Cisco - Yeah, son!
Rocha - This is Lieutenant Rocha. Fugitives are heading to the race. We need all available officers.
Now Tony and Layla are on the last lap of the Corrida das Cinco Famílias, then they both tell Rafaela that they are not mind controlled anymore.
Rafaela - Last lap. Tony and Layla, line up behind me. I'll cross the finish line, then we release the formula. What are you doing?
Layla - I guess now's a good time to tell you. You don't control us anymore.
Rafaela - What? You lied to me about being mind-controlled? How dare you?
Tony - Uh-huh. Frostee figured out the antidote.
Frostee was working on fixing the mind control formula, but he was also making a antidote for the mind control formula for both Tony and Layla.
Frostee - Guys? Listen. When I was stabilizing the formula, I was secretly trying to make the antidote as well. I figured out the chemical makeup and realized it was similar to one I had seen before. Yoka! It took a couple of extra ingredients but I did it! The Yoka prevents the mind control from taking hold. It's like a vaccine!
Layla - Where are you going?
Tony - It's over.
Rafaela - No it's not! I'm still the best racer in Rio! Call Rocha. Rocha, get to the tanker. Release the formula now.
Rocha - I can't! I'm trying to stop the kids. They escaped and are heading to the race.
Rafaela - They escaped? Ugh! Fine, I'll do it myself!
Tony - Whoa! Guys, did you get out? Are you nearly there? We had to blow our cover.
Frostee - Almost there!
Then the crew are in the hauler driving towards a tank.
Frostee - What are we going to do?
Cisco - We go through them!
Frostee - We go through that?
The Story of Tony Toretto and Layla Gray in Fast and Furious Spy Racers
AdventureThe story was co-written by ibella3282007 and the Netflix Show