01 !

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SWEET CANDY !-Hierarchy

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01 | chapter one

"what happened to luna? i remember clearly she said she'd be here today." hera mumbled so woojin and ri an could hear, woo jin stared at his text message he had sent to her. still not a reply as he sighed. ever since the time at his birthday, she was distant, she didn't speak to him the same she used to, he missed the times where she would talk about her day comfortably with him but now she couldn't even share a simply greeting with him and it drove him insane.

the door had slowly opened, the sound of heels quickly filled the room, woojin didnt as much as bother to look back but when he heard a girl gasp saying her name, his head quickly turned around, there she was. luna park. everyone watched in awe as Jooshin's sweetheart walked through the hall. as usual the small smile was evident on her face, but slowly  faded away as she saw him. she sat down at her usual seat in between hera and him. she avoided his gaze as she turned to hera exchanging a few greetings.

hera could sense the change of the mood in the air as she turned to face luna, "what happened with you and woo jin?" she asked in a whisper, woo jin heard the question as he slowly tilted his head, not making it obvious he was listening. "nothing. just leave it, okay?." hera quirked her eyebrows sill not getting  the answer , she gonna come to the bottom of this, because she and jae i, possibly ri an too, knew the two had some type of feelings towards each other and she quickly wondered what had happened to the two.

a boy in the front abruptly stood up but was stopped when a guy pushed him down, ri an was first to walk out and hera after. woo jin held his hand out for luna, who walked past him without batting an eye to him. he slowly retrieved his hand as he walked behind her, soon after the rest of the school walked out.

"hey, could you tell me where the english class could be?" it was the scholarship kid, luna turned to face him and suddenly whispers started around the corridor. a soft smile formed on her face as she stared back at the boy, "it's down that corridor." she pointed towards its direction as he smiled, giving her a thank you before walking away.

"luna, wait." she rolled her eyes slightly as she decided to continue walking anyway. but he grabbed her arm, turning her around to face him. "why are you avoiding me? is it because of what you saw at my birthday party?" he asked hesitantly as she sighed staring to the side. "i told you before i don't remember what happened that day." she lied. "then what is it?" he asked as she tried to think of what to say,

"it's just my parents okay? i'm just pissed off, i dont have the energy to talk to anyone." she spoke, the lie was also a truth, her parents and her had an argument during the summer and it was the worst one yet, after that she completely shut herself down, usually she would've have woojin  by her side at times like that but after the birthday party she completely avoided him, she couldn't bear to look him in the eye after knowing he was a victim of grooming, she didn't care if it was consensual or not, ms han is an adult, and he wasn't even 18 yet. not to add on what she had witnessed and that's when it her hard, how come no one knew? she thought she would've gotten fired or worse but turns out she came back from summer happier than ever, while some people were suffering, she looked down immediately as woo jin sighed.

"you could've called me," he started placing his hand on her shoulder, she nodded. "i know but i just i couldn't face anyone, i was just mad and im sorry i took it out on you." woojin sighed as he pulled her against his chest. luna held back tears as she noticed ms han standing a bit further away, staring at them. luna rolled her eyes as she pulled away. "i'm okay really, thank you." she walked away to class as she saw the scholarship kid again. in special A, that was a classroom for just her, hera, jae i, rian and woojin. a student spoke, telling him he wasn't allowed here.

he turned around to be faced by her as he smiled once again. "sorry, i guess i went into the wrong classroom." he spoke softly as she smiled back. "it's okay, i should've been more clear, if you walk out there and go to your left, you'll see a sign reading standard A, that's where english will start." the boy stared at her wide eyed, she wasn't even near what he heard of her, so far she was the nicest person he has met that day, and he decided to take advantage of that, "thank you...."

"Luna, Luna Park." She replied with soft smile as he nodded. "I'm Kang Ha, hopefully we'll become friends!" he said with much enthusiasm as luna giggled, accepting his hand. without noticing three people were walking in as they sent the two weird looks, "you should hurry over there, class is starting." she said, patting his shoulder before walking over to her seat, between woo jin and jae i, but her seat was empty today.

"why were you talking to the scholarship kid?" hera asked surprised she even made contact with him. "he needed help, and he has a name hera." she answered, placing her books on the desk, organising as usual. as she smiled to herself. woo jin stared over at her, but before he could say anything hera had spoken up. "what's his name? he's cute isn't it? he reminds me of a puppy." she pouted slightly as luna chuckled. "it's kang ha and yeah he a good looking one, he gives off a golden retriever." the two girls continued to giggle about it before talking about other things.

ri an had noticed the subtle change in woo jin's mood, as he turned over to him. "jealous?" he joked as woo jin rolled his eyes, this joke didn't go unheard by the two girls as they turned to them. "jealous? who's jealous?" luna asked with her big eyes lightning up as she waited for an answer, woo jin gulped as he turned away from her, ri an leaned forward in his seat as to face her as he shook his head, "i'll tell you later." he said pointing over to the door.

the teacher had walked in to make an announcement, and she felt her stomach turn at the sight of her. she looked away immediately as she looked back at her notes. woo jin didnt glance at the teacher as he looked over at her, she had opened her sketch book, and only he knew she only opened it when something was on her mind or she was trying to avoid something.

sara ! : hi i know this is very short but i felt so tired while writing this, i was going to publish two chapters but i didnt like the 2nd chapter at all so i'm rewriting hopefully by tomorrow i'll post 2 more or 1 we'll, hope you liked this chapter, vote and comment ! :)

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