Chapter 5

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Dad, Auggie, and I arrive at the subway. We do our usual routine of showing the ticket guy our metro cards and stand near the platform. I look around for the gang but don't see anyone.

"I'm going to my friends. Bye Dad. Bye Riley." Auggie says and walks away.

I take Auggie's spot next to Dad. "Do you see Maya or any of them?" I ask Dad.

Dad takes a moment and looks around. "No. We are early anyway... Oh! They're over there." Dad responds, with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

I give Dad a hug. "Bye Dad. I'll miss you." I say.

He hugs me back. "I'll miss you too. Make sure to call tonight. Or a least text me that everything is okay."

"I will." I release my grip on Dad and he does the same. When I hear the subway coming, I go over to Maya, Lucas, and Farkle who are waiting where our usual cart stops - right infront of line 4.

"Hey. I say to them."

"Hard to be moving away from your family?" Lucas asks.

"Yeah. Even though I know we were going to see my Dad everyday in History class, it's still hard to face the fact I won't be with him, Mom, and Auggie at home every day and night after school."

The subway comes and everyone piles on.


The school day goes by slowly. Well, every class but History.

When the bell finally rings, Mrs. Jones tells us to wait by the main office with her period five class.

Lucas, Farkle, Maya, and I walk down with the rest of the class to the main office. It's not even ten feet away from her classroom.

"Are you guys excited for this?" Farkle asks.

"I am." Maya responds. "I want to see what comes out of this. Life skills, I mean." Since when is Maya interested in learning life skills?

"I couldn't agree more." Lucas agrees.

"I want to see how raising a child is so yeah. I think it'll be a good experience." I say.

"Okay!" Mrs. Jones says to get our attention. "Is everyone here?" Every responds with 'yeses' or 'yeahs'. "Great. Since the orphanage is only a few blocks away from the school, we'll be walking."

"Walking?" I recognize that voice. "But I can't walk in heels!" Missy.

"Yes, we are walking. If the heels bother you, then walk barefoot. Let's get going everyone."

Everyone starts following Mrs. Jones out the main doors of the school. Once we get on the side walk, Lucas speaks.

"I thought Missy wasn't in our class."

"She isn't. She's probably in the period five class" Farkle answers.

"Oh yeah. I forgot both classes are here today."

It takes about five minutes before we get to the orphanage. On the walk there, I see Maya and Farkle holding hands. They are so cute together! I say to myself.

Mrs.Jones stops outside the orphanage doors and we all follow suit. "Okay everyone. Few things to remember. You may only adopt one to three kids; Stick with your partner the whole time; These kids will be your children for the whole year."

With that, Mrs. Jones opens the double doors and we all walk in. All the kids are in what looks like a lobby.

Out of nowhere, a younger girl with blonde hair stands in front of me. She seems about seven.

I look at Lucas and he nods, as if we knew what the other was thinking.

We both kneel down to get to the little girls' height. "Hello," I say. "What's your name?"

"I'm Abigail, but I go by Abby."

"Hi Abby. I'm Lucas and this is Riley. Would you like to be one of our adoptive children?"

Abby starts jumping up and down. "Yesssss!" She says, holding the "s" for as long as she can. I hear Lucas laugh a bit and I hear myself giggle.

"So Abby, how old are you?" I ask.

"I'm this many." She says holding up eight fingers, just like Auggie and Ava would do when they were younger. I laugh at the thought.

"That's great Abby. How do you feel about a sibling?" Lucas asks.

It takes a few seconds for Abby to answer. "I wouldn't mind having one."

"Okay. You can help us pick a sibling then. Is that okay?" I ask.

"I would love to help." Abby says, beaming.

"Great. Now let's keep looking." I suggest. Abby nods her head. Lucas and I stand up. I whisper to Lucas "She's so cute!"

"I know. She's adorable." He whispers back.

We keep walking around for a few minutes, both me and Lucas holding one of Abby's small hands. Suddenly, Abby loses her grip on my hand an I see her point to someone. "What about him? His name is Liam."

I look over to the boy Abby was pointing at. He seems about Auggies' age. "Do you know him?" I ask, curious.

"Yeah. He's my best friend here."

"Come on." I here Lucas say. "Let's go over there."

The three of us walk over to Liam, who is standing by himself.

"Hi Liam." Abby says.

"Hey Abby. Are these your adoptive parents?" Liam asks.

"Yeah." Abby responds.

"We could also be your adoptive parents too." I say.

"Seriously?" He says.

"Yeah." Lucas responds. "But only if you want to."

"That would be awesome!" Liam says.

"Great! Now I believe we have to fill out paperwork to make it official." I look toward Lucas to make sure I'm remembering correctly.

"Yeah. Come on Liam and Abby." Lucas says. I hold Abby's hand and Liam just walks next to Lucas. He's old enough to not have his hand be held.

There's a sign saying that the paperwork fill out section is in the cafeteria. Liam leads us there and Lucas and I fill out paperwork while Liam and Abby sit at a table and talk.

Once we get all of their papers, Lucas and I head over to Abby and Liam and wait until we see Maya and Farkle. I decide to send Maya a text.

R- In the café sitting at a table. Meet us there when you finish.

Now we just wait for them.

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