Chapter 9

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Once I finish styling my hair, I walk back into the living room, grinning like an idiot. I still couldn't believe Lucas asked me to be his girlfriend. I didn't think he would have the guts to do it.

"Is your hair finished?" Maya asks me.

"Yup. Let's go to the park!" I respond. Everyone gets up from where they are sitting and head to the front door at once.

"Have you rode the subway at all before?" Farkle directs to the kids.

"No," Liam answers. "None of us have at the orphanage." Sydney nods her head, agreeing.

"Actually, I have." Abby says. "Right before I came to the orphanage, my mother brought me on the subway."

We reach the elevator and Liam hits the button to go down to the lobby.

"Abby, you never told me why you came to the orphanage." Sydney recalls. "What's your story?"

"Syd, what book are you currently reading?" Liam changes the subject abruptly.

"Liam, it's okay. We are practically family now. They all deserve to know."

The elevator doors open and we all exit. Lucas and I hold the doors open for everyone. Once everyone is through, I catch up with Maya and Lucas catches up with Farkle.

"So," Abby begins. "When I was four years old, my father died. I don't know what happened to him. My mother never told me because I was apparently too young to know. When I was five years old, my mother got sick with some kind of disease. My last memory of her was us on the subway. I was crying; I didn't understand why I had to leave. Mother was trying to calm me down, telling me it was only until things changed. She didn't even stay at the orphanage long. She signed some papers and left. She didn't even say goodbye."

"Oh, Abby." Was all I could manage to say. I was in shock. The poor kid has gone through so much already. She's only eight and her Dad is dead and, I hate to think it, her Mom could be, too.

"Abby," Lucas says, going up to her and kneels to be at her level. We all stop where we are on the sidewalk. "I'm so sorry for what you've had to go through."

"Dad, it's not your fault."

"I know it's not, sweetie. You've gone through so much and you're at such a young age. Please, always remember that your smart, strong, and beautiful. Remember that for me."

"I will, I promise." Abby hugs Lucas and Lucas hugs her back.

"Your Mom and I will be with you for as long as we possibly can. That's my promise to you."

"Thank you." Abby says, breaking the hug.

After standing on the sidewalk for a minute, Maya says "Come on, guys. Let's get to the park and have some fun!"

"Yeah!" Sydney, Abby and Liam agree. We all start walking again to the subway station. Once we reach it, we pay using our metro cards and board the next subway to the park.


Maya. Lucas, Farkle, and I set down our things while the kids go to play over on the playground. I spread open one blanket while Maya spreads out a second. The four of us sit in a circle so it's easier to talk to one another; Lucas on my left, Maya on my right, and Farkle across from me.

"I still can't believe Abby's story." Maya starts.

"I know." Farkle agrees.

"Has Sydney told you guys why she was an orphan?" I ask Maya and Farkle.

"She doesn't remember." Maya answers. "She says her only memories are of orphanage."

"These kids stories are so upsetting. I'm not sure I want to know Liams." Lucas says.

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